need a hug im so frustrated | Arthritis Information


Thanks for the birthday wishes! birthday was fun despite all the hours in class.

my joints got really bad last night-they werebad to begin with yesterday but worse last night and now im up and wishing i didnt have to go to class. Thats not an option though, i have lab today. I got really frustrated with my joints last night, im sure it was a lot cause i was tired, but really i just wish my joints would shape up and act their own age, 20, ok maybe not, but at least have meds that work! im walking funny snd slow. my friends have never seen me like that. i can ussually walk very very close to normal even when it hurts a ton. i havnt really stood up today just floppe from bed to computer to finish homework. AH i want to call my mommy :( Sorry you are feeling so bad, I wish there was a magical med i coukd suggest to get you through class..  Dont worry about your friends seeing you like it, sometimes its good to let your guard down then they will realise how bad it does get for you. Is the enbrel not helping?im not sure. I feel awfull but i think it does help i can only tell when im NOT on it, cause then i get a lot worse. Its not helping enough though. Just take it easy and do only what you have to, then after class rest up as much as you can. I know at your age its not fun to have to rest and lay down when all you want to do is live an active life, but hopefully if you rest up for a while then things will ease up. If it doesnt get any better go and see your doctor, maybe a cortisone shot will help.

Take care
ok i copy A's hug, i can't do the same lol
and yes, its impt to let your friends see you as "you are"... also talk to your Lab Teacher..
thats impt, so he'll know whats going on and maybe whatever modifications you need, he'll be able to help.
hugs babe~
Sorry you're feeling so bad Little M.  Glad to hear you had a happy birthday though.  Did you do something special?
I vote for calling your mom.  They're good at making you feel better :)
thanks a bath sounds amazing right now....but we only have a showers in the dorm. iwill call my mom just as soon as she is done with work. Lab was awfull 4 hours of standing around and mixing chemicals. i dont want to move anywhere for the rest of the night but i have a meeting to lead and stuff to do! exams soon

You know what they rest for the weary........what kind of meeting do you lead?  Hope you can do it froma nice cushy chair.

yea i will. im the president of a group that visits kids in hospitals and stuff and i have to lead a training session for the new semester Big Hugs to you little M. I'm so sorry to hear that you're going though a tough time.   
I agree that it's good for your friends to see how  RA affects you when it is acts up. Often we try to put on a brave face and push ourselves to do physical activities when our bodies are telling us to please take things slower.  As a student you have so many deadlines and exams to study for, and that in itself brings on a ton of stress which you really don't need at this busy time, so  please get yourself off to your dr zip quick because you really  need something to manage your pain.  Good luck, little M. I hope you'll feel better soon.
i have a doc appt in a week and a half. my friends never see my complain about my joints........they hurt all the time but i never say anything to them. just my mom. they dont get it

Little M,

Have you ever heard of the spoon theory? Here's a link that might help you out with your friends.
yea i have heard of it love it but i wouldnt give my friends it to read. i had them go to the arthritis walk with me though!

talked to my mom giving it another day or 2 if its still this bad its back on prednisone which ive only been off for 3 weeks...... im finally off was on it nonstop for 2 years

Good for you! Did the walk do them some good?

I wonder if your aches and pains could be from prednisone withdrawal.
i dunno the walk was awhile ago but it was fun

i dunno. i tapered really slow of pred for months i was only on 2.5 or 5mg....i just took a 1.5 hour nap by accident......fell asleep on my computer. better get up i have stuff to do! AH hate joints!hi, i have to ask why won't you email your friends spoons, i agree, they might not get it.. but the more info they have, the better off they are...
 If the y're real friends, you won't lose them, for showing your pains, it doesn't mean you have to talk about it all the time..but occassionally its good.
   my cousin sent me some sage advice and said not everyone is going to understand your stuff.. and i just have to stop believing they will... lol..but i will keep educating them :P
 omg no bathtubs.. dorm life.. eww.. sorry i never did that, i always had an apt off campus... i need privacy!! lol and remember.. moderation and balance.. thats going to help a lot w/ the epsom salts! and electric blankets and cats!! :)
i dunno i just think they would think its wierd, I feel like they understand a little bit and would prefer to hear it from me instead of from reading it. its not like they dont get it at all, my best friend has crohns. she doesnt hurt all the time and doesnt have the same fatigue as me but we get eachother mostly. Hi littlemermaid,
Sounds like you're really having some troubles. I hope you get some relief soon. I would have to wonder about the prednisone withdrawals. I came off prednisone after being on it for years, but was only on 1 mg for about 3 years and I found myself flaring on and off as well. I think your body gets so used to it. May be worth asking the doctor about the possibility of it. The spoon theory is a great way to tell friends but you will find your own way in time, I'm sure. I know I got alot out of reading it as did my family.
I hope you get some relief soon.
even on the prednisone i was flaring a lot. i dunno im going to the doc soon and im sure will get put back on it cause this is not ok. my friends all know about my joints and every other medical problem i have. I live with them.......they help me with enbrel, see my take me meds and sometimes hear me complain to my mom-i just dont complain to them.