Cider Vinegar | Arthritis Information


An old-wive's remedy for arthritis!!  Anyone tried it, you take two teaspoonfuls in a glass of water three times a day.   I'm doing it when I can remember.  Yet another thing that makes me gag.  But, lots of research on how that particular type of vinegar helps restore ph in the body.



Does it still work the same if you pour it over sliced cucumbers?It's really acidic (sort of) so you need to rinse your teeth if you just drink it.  But on cucumbers...veggies and vinegar...what more could a body ask for?
Seriously, why is it all the stuff thats good for me has me gagging?
Whole Lemon/Olive Oill drink?  Gag.
Apple Cider Vinegar?  Gag.
Aloe Vera juice?  Gag.
Grapefruit Seed Extract - Gag.
LOL Pip!Amongst a million other claims, it's supposed to restore the body's Ph level.    
I think that's a possibility, and it's completely non-toxic so can't do any harm (???????????).  Don't mind the taste, though wouldn't drink it from personal preference.
I just think there's quite a lot of truth in the alkalinity thing, because everything you read which is good for RA is actually helps with alkalinity, so anything that can balance
Ph is worth a try.   What I mean is:
- no red meat
- no dairy
- no wheat
- eat oily fish
- eat lots of veggies and fruit
- drink lots of water
- no additives/processed foods
If you get my meaning.

I was raised in an old country Italian household wherein the only salad/veggie "dressing" we knew was olive oil and cider vinegar with a touch of sugar and a grind of black pepper.  To this day, I absolutely love a tablespoon of cider vinegar straight up with just a touch of sugar to calm it down a notch.

hi , I'm really surprised no one mentioned one of the big things its known for
3 x a day, before each meal drink a glass warm water w/ about 2 teaspoons or is tablespoons? lol
Something , I need to do... but whether I can... lol
Also Shirley Temple, was well known for always rinsing her hair in apple cider rinses.
It really does shine and soften the hair..
In fact, a friend sent me a whole book, on Apple Cider vinegar facts... if i could only find it!
lol :)
You mean I'll lose more weight?
I'm in!

When your ph is off, that is when disease and parasites find a great environment to live and grow :) 

I too have grown up in an italian family and have come to love vinegar.  We used to have contests at dinner to see who could keep vinegar in their mouths the longest 