Is this RA,?picture included. | Arthritis Information



For years I've had what I thought was just arthritis in my hands and knees from a very labor intensive job in my teen years. I'm currently 28 and its getting worse. Mainly, in the summer time its fine and I can't even tell I have it in my hands. The weather gets cold and I feel like my hands are breaking when bending them. My wife reciently had a positive ana and while I was researching it, I came across a website devoted to RA and I seen hands that looked exactly like mine and the guy was explaining the same pain. I'm wondering if its something with all forms of arthritis, or specfic to RA.
This is my hand. (more text below picture)
my hands have always been kind of funky, even before the labor job. My knees have gotten worse over the last few years to the point of some activities being limited. My back however is very strong. I never have any back, feet or ankle problems. its mainly in my knees, hands and occasionally my left elbow.
Any thoughts?

I've included 2 more pictures too. I have full range of motion everywhere in my body. My left is getting a little more painful to move, but not to the point that I can't move it from completely open or closed.

anyhow, here they are...
this is half open palm view
This is completely closed nuckles.
we are not doctors...and are not qualified to look at a picture and diagnose something.  I see some posssible swelling in the knuckles but only your doctor can give you the cause.  Keep your picures and show him
good luck
Hiya, Chad! I'd definitely set something up an appointment with your general practitioner to have them take a look. Let us know what they say.
Hope you have a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day!
Yep, it sounds like it is time to see a GP.  Don't put it off for years thinking it will get better on it's own.  I did that and now I cannot find a medicine combo to curtail the pain and swelling.  I am currently wearing ice packs and then laying on my heating pad.  I am also now inflamed in 54 joints!  Don't wait!!!My fingers look a little worse than that. Right now yours look like my husbands hands and he is healthy as a horse....not saying that you are, definitely get checked out soon.  My right pinky and middle finger went bad (significantly bigger than the others) around age 9 or 10 before anyone knew I  had RA. In fact that is how we found out, my mom freaked out about my hands but at the time I wasn't or didn't think I was in any pain.
I hope everything works out for you and that you have nothing to worry about.
cah14182008-02-08 11:55:06Yeah, def ask a doc. As far as pain for various arthritis diseases.....its one of those things that is different from person to person. Sometimes you can stumble upon 6 people,for example, 2 with RA, 2 with OA, and 2 with lupus....and they all have the same general symptoms. So it really takes a doc to decide what exactly it is.
With the history of your job, it certianly could be something like OA. It's just so hard to tell by just looking, you know?
Let us know how your doc. visit goes! And def let us know how your wife is doing! :)
