Hip surgery less than 2 wks away | Arthritis Information


On Wed., I went for my pre-op chest x-ray and lab work. Couldn't find a close by handicapped parking place and had to park at one that was on the other side of the building. The radiology dept is on one side of the main lobby and the lab is on the other side. For me it was a long walk between both. Was walking dragging the bad leg. The chest x-ray went well and the female radiologist was soooo nice as she walked me to the changing room and then to the x-ray unit. Afterwards, she walked me out to the waiting area. As we were walking, we chatted and she was surprised that I was by myself. I had to get this done and couldn't get anybody to help me. As I walked to the lab, my hip was hurting but I just kept going. Once inside and checked in, I had to sit and wait until my number was called. This was good as it gave my leg a much needed rest. The bloodwork went well until it was time for the urine sample. I asked for the handicapped bathroom and was told that it was a long ways back in the lab. I told them that i couldn't walk that far. They placed me into a wheelchair and off we went. Once inside the bathroom, I looked at the toliet and realize that it was a  low seater. As I tried to lower myself on to the seat, I soon realize that I wouldn't be able to do it. So here I am, half way down to the toilet and trying to find the cup to pee in. I missed but managed to get some into the cup. I hoped that it was enough. I damn near dropped the cup as I was trying to place it on the shelf. I had to clean up my mess from the toliet seat and floor as I didn't want to step into it nor drag my pant leg in it. Finally, I was being push back to the waiting area and the lab tech asked if someone was with me. I said no and she gave me the same look that the radiologist had. I walked very slowly back to my car. After getting into my car, it felt good to just sit there with the sun beating into the car. On the way home, I stopped at the market to pick up a few things. I hobbled through the store and out to my car. I parked my car in my spot and slowly and painfully walked up to my place. I half dragged myself and bags up the stairs to my front door. I had to sit down for awhile before I could take off my jacket and put away my groceries. I hurt but was happy that I had gotten my chest x-ray/bloodwork out of the way.

Yesterday, all I did was sleep and rest the leg as I was in so much pain. The vicodin made my pain level go from a 10+  to a 7.  Today, I'm feeling much better.
Next up is the pre-op exam and the pre-admit interview. Hopefully everything comes out fine.
Woohoo! Closer and closer!!! It's a hell of a trip though, isn't it? *hugs* You're one tough cookie, doing all that on your own. Can you imagine how much different a trip like that will be with a good hip!??!
Man! You ARE one tough cookie! I wish I could have gone with you to help. I'm so happy you're going to get that new hip and some much needed relief soon! You are soooo close! *hugs*Marisa - you will be fine.  Two weeks will fly by,  the you will be doing much better.  Best of luck ~~ CathyThanks Katie, snow owl, Mel, and justsaynomore for the support. For those of you who don't know me this will be the second surgery on this hip. The first one was done when I was 9 or 10 yrs old. At that time they fused the hip joint to keep it from slipping out of the joint. For years, I walked around with 3 pins in the joint until it started to get very painful. When they x-ray the hip, this past year, it showed that the pins had moved. One pin is no longer in the joint and another has worked it's way in to my femur below the joint. Now, as I walk, I can feel the hip slipping and the pins stabbing me. Can't tell you how many times the tears will flow. The vicodin helps but it is not a cure all. Driving is becoming very painful and since I took that nasty fall, getting dressed is painful. So I guess that I'm one tough cookie. I've always have tried to do things even when it's not such a bright thing to do. I refused to sit around and give in to the pain!!! I'm not used to asking for help but I'm smart enough to know when to say HELP PLEASE. In a way, all of this has made me a stronger person and more compassionate for others.
If, you care to, I would like some positive thoughts or prayers sent my way for a good outcome as the hip may shatter when they remove the pins before inserting the new hip. I'm praying that my old bone is strong and that the pins give them very little trouble.
One last thing, may all have a good weekend and stay safe and warm.

Hi Marisa, good grief.  What a struggle to get your pre op labs!  I'm so happy that this will soon be over and you'll be on your way to recovery and walking again.  It's been a long journey for you and I don't know how you're doing all of this on your own.  You amaze me.  Take care and I'll be sending good thoughts your way.  Lindy

Thanks Lindy. I'm counting the days and trying to get everything ready. I'm soooo ready to be knocked out and awake with a new hip.
Today, I'm sitting in my easy chair and resting as I, finally, got my Christmas tree down. Still have to pack up my little winter/Christmas village items. That will be done by the end of the week. I've never been this long doing this but the hip isn't getting better and it does me in soooo very quickly.
Hope that your knee isn't giving you alot of pain. With my knee replacement, I can tell when the weather is going to change.
Take care,
"Hip Hip" Hooray!!!  You'll have that new hip installed before you know it!!!!

Marisa, I'm so glad that you are getting your new hip! I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
 Will someone be with you when you get home from the hospital?  I hope you have a quick and comfortable recovery. 
Gentle hugs and many blessings,
Hi Nini, best of luck, soon it will be all over and you will be a new woman.  Kind regards and I will pray for your speedy recovery. regards Janie.
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