WoooHooo - Probiotic Weapon against Superbugs! | Arthritis Information


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Doctors unveil latest weapon against hospital superbugs - drinking probiotic yoghurt

By JENNY HOPE - More by this author » Last updated at 13:27pm on 5th February 2008

Health chiefs believe they may have found an antidote to the hospital superbug crisis.

They are giving out free pots of probiotic drinking yoghurt to patients in the hope it will help combat the rise of Clostridium difficile.

Probiotics are "friendly" or beneficial bacteria that live in and help regulate the digestive system.

The trial is being carried out by Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton and the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath.

Its medical director Matthew Fletcher said:

"There is some evidence to suggest that using these probiotics may reduce a patient's risk of C.diff and we will be evaluating the difference it makes to the number of cases."

More than two million Britons now buy drinks, yoghurts and capsules containing probiotics.

There are 50 different such products marketed in the UK, making up an industry worth more than £135million a year.


Research shows they can restore a healthy digestive system, particularly after antibiotics have wiped out good as well as harmful bugs. But the mechanism is poorly understood.

Research suggests they help prevent bowel conditions such as ulcerative colitis, protect children against allergies, and may even reduce the risk of colon cancer.

A study last year found drinking two pots a day stopped diarrhoea symptoms caused by C.diff and antibiotics.

Other studies show a regular supply can help hospital patients make speedier recoveries. It is now routine in some countries to give good bacteria to intensive care patients.

Scientists warned in 2006 that some probiotic products do not live up to the promises on their labels.

But the warning did not apply to major brands such as Yakult, Actimel and Vitality.

Scientists warned in 2006 that some probiotic products do not live up to the promises on their labels.

But the warning did not apply to major brands such as Yakult, Actimel and Vitality.

The other night on Inside Edition they had some woman who suing Activia.  She said she saw the commercials about it and tried but it still didn't help her digestive system, so she is suing.
I don't get it, because all yogurts have probiotics and Actvia has just marketed it more.  But they made it like her case was 'probiotics don't work'. 
Poor woman.  If the case actually went to court, all of her bowel habits will be public record!  Cross exam - Have you been tested for parasites?
"Cross exam - Have you been tested for parasites?"
This is really cool! Does anyone drink these? How do they taste? Justin's been eating that yo-digest stuff. I tried it, and it's WAAAYYYY better tasting than activa. I'm scared that I wouldn't be able to tolerate it because of the lactose. You think that's a good assumption? Or no?
BTW - My mom has started using a thing of plain yoghurt for a chip dip.. Yup, she mixes it with a jar of salsa, and it's just as good, if not better, than sour cream! WAAAYYY healthier too!!
She also used it for beef stroganoff. You know the kind you use a can of mushroom soup and a thing of sour cream? She said it came out great. So I'm guessing you can replace sour cream with that any time, and get a healthier outcome.
Question on that though - does cooking the yoghurt do anything to the probiotics?

Plain yogurt is great on a baked potato, too.  I'm going to try the salsa thing - sounds delish!

I think heat might mess it up - just because even some powdered probioitics are supposed to be refrigerated.

My daughter is loving some kefir smoothie thing I bought, too.   I checked it, though, has milk in it.  

Yogurt by itself isn't good you?  I drink Kefir, its a probiotic, started about two years' ago.  If this product is packaged so its sells some good bacteria into the bellies of people who are miserable, I hope they make a mint. 

Yeah I think the heat probably does something too. But still, it's a much healthier way to make the stroganoff! So that's a plus.
You'll LOVE the dip! Is sooooo good!
My Mom taught me a dip of half yogurt and half sour cream, mixed together with chopped fresh parsley and slices of green pepper, with dill and beau monde seasoning.  It has to meld overnight, and a bit more yogurt than sour cream helps.  Yogurt has always been great for the body!!  and I don't see much difference in this then regular yougurt, just in their marketing, know what i mean?
Another great way to eat yogurt is to soak some oats, in a bowl overnight, just enough water to barely cover them, in the morning add yogurt, apples and honey.. YUM!!!
Interesting! I drink those yogurt smoothie things because they're convenient. Guess I should switch to the one that can actually help me out. I'm not on AP though - do you think it will cause any problems for me?

Mrs. A, all I can think of is some grumpy parasite.  I think some yogurts are not cultured after pasteurization which is a heat process that kills the bacteria so make sure it is cultured after pasteurization.  There are soy yogurts if you are allergic to dairy.

Eat well and prosper,
Do soy yoghurts taste the same? I've tried soy milk, and quite frankly that's some nasty..........crap. LOLSome yogurts are made slightly different and do kill off most of the good bacteria.  The activa etc. are made specificly to keep the good bacteria in it and i believe a bit more to help.
I can't eat dairy, so i haven't tried them.  But i do take probiotics every day.  I missed a few days and my dairy allergy reactions went into a huge flair from cross contamination.  But while taking it, i only get hives with most minimum dairy attacks.  A big huge difference.
I also had stomach problems with eating minor spicy foods, tomato stuff or anything that was acid like (oranges etc.).  Now i can eat them while on probiotics.
But, if i stop, my stomach goes back to the old way very very quickly.
Heat will kill the beneficial probiotic bacterias (but freezing won't affect them).

Many yoghurts advertised as probiotic have been extremely processed and pasteurized so the natural probiotic qualities are annihlated, then probiotics are added in. You're better off buying plain natural yoghurts with less processing (don't buy the kind with added sugar! If you must, add jam or fruit right before eating. My current favourite is dark organic maple syrup).

Kefir is considered to have a broader spectrum of probiotics than yoghurt.

Kefir and yoghurt are both super easy to make at home for maximum probiotic benefits.

Probiotics are a great addition to any diet regime, whether you're on antibiotics or not. You can't OD on food based probiotics (although the jury is out on spore/soil based probiotics such as Primal Defence and Florastor so use in moderation).Mrs. A -
Probiotics can only help.  AP or no AP. 
Bubba, was it you that had the huge improvement on probiotics, enough to lower your meds?  Somebody posted that just before AI went down and I can't remember who it was.   Somebody not on AP. 

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