~Daily Chit Chat~Sat Feb 9th~ | Arthritis Information


hey morning guys!!!

I'm really wanting to get into a chat room and get to know you all better!!! lol
ok a tiny bit manic, just bc its soo f beautiful outside today!!!
I let my little baby outside, she's 9, a blue russian, I dreamed of her before I got her.. anyway, my cats are strickly indoor cats, but i couldn't resist, she was only out about 10 mins, rolling around on the patio and went upstairs to the neighbors.
I have no clue, what i'm going to do today!! If i had a car.. the beach baby!!!
not to swim, lol, just to watch, feel the ocean's awesomeness, kinda puts our small lifes into perspective.. and just feel the sand on my toes and maybe some waves.. and just reflect, think....
next dreamer? :)
Whispered2008-02-09 11:23:09

Next dreamer?  Life is good.  Love is good.  The rest, a side show. 

So, I get in the mail a new magazine starting up in this area, and the woman on the front is so surgically perfect, she is a Stepford Wife.  I open up the magazine, and the first ad is a full page color ad from an OB/GYN.  The ad has a picture of a burning home, and above it is the line:  "I didn't know that she needed her hormones refilled already."  Then it goes on to say at the bottom that "You can make fun of them, but hot flashes aren't funny nor are osteoporosis, heart disease, etc., that occur more frequently in postmenopausal women.  Many of which are preventable.  The earlier you act, the less damage will be done."

I cannot decide if I am insulted or not.  I did all my hormal replacement therapy properly and still got sick.  The picture of the burning house is just plain bad taste. 
I'm going to go watch the Waltons, see if there are any movies on and try and decorate my house!.. or some...of it
anyone doing anything outside, or is today a stay at home day?

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