Sore and out of meds again. | Arthritis Information



I wander if they will ever get their ______ together. Nurse called yesterday and asked why I had called about getting some more meds and I told her about having a bad weekend. She said something about well we just gave you some. And yes they did but I had to take 3 a day for about 3 days there. Now I don't have any and the doctor is out of town. Well no one told me he was going out of town and one on one time it takes 5 days to get them and then the next it takes 2 days. I can never figure them out. Yesterday when she called I couldn't get my days figured out so I probably sounded like some kook of the street. But she called right when I had been outside working in my garden in the heat and I think I was haveing a little heat stroke going on. I am sure that she will think I am nuts. Last night after thinking about what I had said to her. I am sure she will think I am nuts. I had the days of the week all screwed up and what day yesterday was. But ya know that is to bad and she needs to "Get er done"!! Ha ha

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RLS2....what medications are you on?Call then back with an explanation and stay calm on the phone....Geoff It is amazing what happens when you go in there like you are a customer and you understand your needs.  I had a complete attitude shift in my rd appts.  I go in there knowing exactly what I want and I don't ask, or say maybe, I say I want this and this and this.  Then I give an explanation if it is needed.  My rd had wrote me a script for only two darvocett a day.  Most days I take three so I went in there and said.  I am also out of darvocett, two a day just is not cutting the pain, I need you to write me a script for at least three a day or more if I have a really bad day until YOU get me better and I don't have this kind of pain.  He just smiled and wrote me the script. 

They should have this pain (I would,t wish it on my worst enemy) and then see what they think.


i comptly agree with you hopefully i'll be able to get him to see that.  We'll see what tomorrow brings

Everytime before I take more meds than is prescribed, I call my nurse, and she calls the pharmacist with the new perscription with the higher amount of pills.  This way, I can't run out.  
