Dang Chemical Sensitivity! | Arthritis Information


I have trouble with sugar and someone mentioned splenda but it makes my body freak out as well.

So, i bought diet pepsi with equal for a test and went into an ultimate of ultimate flairs.  I haven't been this horrible is a very very very long time.
So i looked up equal side effects and it took a couple sites but some talked about toxicity and yep yep yep, it makes bodies swell up like balloons.
So I am sitting today in my recliner ( i have it up to my computer) and will be reading emails and watching tv all day with my blankie :(
Nutra Sweet/ Equal  is one of the Worst products for ones bodies..
when it first came out, i tried in in Koolaid and got the worst migraines, 2 sips and i'm feeling horrid.. this was before Ra
Theres tons of articles out there, saying the Real stuff.. Pepsi , coke is better for you
snowowl, love that name, but i'm a coke a cola girl lol
real no diet for me!! eek lol
sorry you're not feeling good :(
I think sugar is safer, just in moderation like all things.  Good luck, regards Janie.
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