It's the pits! | Arthritis Information


No, not Angelina & Brad Pitt.

It is that the REmicade is starting to wear off again.
Yep, this Remicade is not going to last until March 24th. Nope. It looks like it is not even going to last until my next RD appointment Feb. 25th!
I will give it another week, before I call RD to complain, because... she is gone all week. HI Joonie, I am so sorry to hear that, keep your fingers crossed though, remember nothing is definite with this disease, anything can happen.  Hugs Janie. Thanks for the encouragment, Janie!I'm sorry. did they increase your dosage from last time? how long did this last dose last?my Rd  wants me to start Remicade but I'm in not as much pain as you! hope you find some relief. take care.Hey Joonie,
RD has adjusted mine about 4-5 times already. He keeps changing the dose or the frequancy. Hang in there and don't give up yet.
[QUOTE=janlee]I'm sorry. did they increase your dosage from last time? how long did this last dose last?my Rd  wants me to start Remicade but I'm in not as much pain as you! hope you find some relief. take care.[/QUOTE]
No, dose was not increased last infusion because it was my last loading dose.
This one lasted about as long as the other 2 loading doses did, a little over 2 weeks.
Remicade has helped greatly with my pain and stiffness.
I found some relief when I take pred and my other meds before going to sleep. Just another reason why I need the pred I am on, so I can find some relief when Remicade starts to wear off.
I was thinking of asking to get off the pred at my next appointment to see my RD, but I still need it. I'm sorry you're feeling yucky joonie.  Hang in there...the damn thing will cycle again, and it will get better! 
kschultea2008-02-11 15:23:27