My last doctor's appointment | Arthritis Information


Well, my two-month regular appointment happened the week of the big crash, so I wasn't able to post, and said, ah, forget it, and just changed my signature instead.  LOL

But today seemed like a great day to report that after weaning off the MTX and plaquenil, and relying totally on minocin, my lab numbers have suddenly, completely stablized.  Sero-negative, RA 20, ESR/SEC normal, thyroid normal, WBC normal. anemia numbers normal.  My labs were PERFECT.  First time since 6/06 when I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist and told I would have to be on MTX and predisone the rest of my life.
So, just on MTX and Plaquenil, my liver enzymes went sky-high, my thyroid went sky-high, my WBC steadily dropped down to below normal, and my anemia numbers continued to worsen.  I felt terrible, sick, depressed, no energy, spent most of my time in bed.  I also was diagnosed with osteoporosis, probably brought on by the predisone. 
For me, a human being that contracted scarlet fever (strep) at age three and noticed that I always felt better after a course of antibiotics, chose to step away from the mainstream of RA DMARDS (minocin is listed as a DMARDS, along with MTX), and try antibiotics on a long term basis.  It took over two months to finally heal the open, bleeding nose ulcer I had had for 5 years and given an ointment for it.  Last week I wore open-toed higher-heeled sandals for the first time in two years as my balance has returned and I am not running into everything as I was weaving and falling down, I think from all these medications, which I have now dropped with the blessing of my medical doctors. 
Minocin and antibiotic protocol might not be for you, but it is for me, today.  It's now been another couple of weeks, and I keep getting stronger and feeling better, each day.  Take care ~~ Cathy
justsaynoemore2008-02-11 05:10:38Glad you are feeling so much better. I too have been doing much better since trying Rituxan in June. I have very little pain and I have been increasing my exercise, 5 miles on the bike and 2 on the treadmill....

I've always believed that RA is not a one size fits all disease and what works for one, may not work for another. I have been able to reduce my MTX and I no longer take steroids since I've started to improve.

As for me, I was never sick with anything as a child, no strep, ear infections, nothing. In fact, up until I was diagnosed with RA, I was a very healthy person who rarely went to the doctor. I was a runner and a vegetarian...sad to say I can no longer run due to an injury to my leg(not RA related) and I'm no longer a vegetarian either.

I wish you continued good health,

LynnThat is wonderful news to hear, Cathy! I am so happy to hear you are doing much better. I was just thinking about you around 5:00am when I was trying to go to sleep, but I never made it to going to sleep, but headed that way in about 12 mins LOL!
I hope you continue to improve!

Wow, what wonderful news.  I'm so impressed.  Your success should give all of us hope that there's an answer for us out there.  We just have to keep searching.  My RD doesn't think much of AP but I'm going to bring it up again and ask about minocin in particular.  It seems to be helpful for many people. 

Again, congratulations and continued good health. 

As a long time believer in AP for arthritis I feel good to read success stories like yours.
I have found that I must get plenty of sleep or symptoms flare.
Looking forward to hearing of your continued improvement.
great news! happy for you.WoooHoo!
So, are you going to take Tango lessons in those high heels?  I love my high heels even tho I'm a bit too heavy for them.  Kind of look like a pudgy lady on stilts.
Thank you, every one of you.  It feels good to feel good again.  And I will post any setbacks too.  I wish the best for all of us.  CathyPip Pip Hooray!
Isn't it great when you find something that works for you.  To good Health
LuAnn :)
Stem Cell Transplantation
2 yrs RA & Medicine FREE
You too girl!
Hugs and happy shoe shopping!


Congratulations on your success!  I hope it continues and you continue to feel wonderful.  You are an inspiration to us all to keep working toward pain free days.

Congratulations on the success you've had with your treatment !    I took a different route and went biologics and I'm back in heels too - isn't that a great feeling.?  Sometimes it's the small things that you miss.   It seems like RA is an odd animal and what works for one person doesn't always work for another, but regardless of the treatment, any success story is something to be shared.    

