New member - RA x3 yrs - flaring | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I've been lurking for awhile and thought I'd post a question.  I was diagnosed in 2002 with RA.  Have been on plaquenil, celebrex and sulfazine since then.  I was symptom free (yah!) for almost 2 years.  My RD decided I was in remission and had me cut my meds in half in January, 2005 - big mistake.  I've been having monthly flares since then.  Have adjusted the meds back up, but so far no help.  I've had cortisone shots in my shoulders and courses of Pred for relief.  I've heard that once you reduce the meds they don't have the same effect when you increase them again. 

I see the RD again next week and am considering asking for a new med.  Any suggestions???  I've tried mtx in the past, but I had terrible side effects, so that is ruled out.

Thanks for any and all help.  Julie


Hi Julie, welcome, I live by Orlando   You may want to ask him about Enbrel , Humira or Remicade. They have done wonders on some people here.  I had not considered it until my RD kept bumping up my MTX and finally said that MTX and Prednisone were not working so well for me anymore. So far the humira has worked well. Good luck!

Welcome Julie.

I use MTX & Humira too with good results. I don't have much experience with "remission" not good experience anyway. I did however go for several months years ago without my meds. Plaquenil & Sulfersalazine worked so well I didn't think I needed them anymore (A lesson I think we all have to learn the hard way) but like you after retrying them it didn't work. I've never really been in the condition to where they gave me the option of decreasing so I really can't say. I can say that when I restarted my old combination I did not get the same results. After several increases in MTX I did however get lots of relief for several years....but eventually had to add humira to get real control again.

Again; Welcome to the group.

Welcome Julie! I'm not going to be any help here as I wouldn't know as I was only diagnosed last Febuary so haven't had to adjust medicines as of yet! Just wanted to say hi and hope it all works out for you!
I am on same meds as you and I also started flaring a bit. I really did not want to increase my prednisone (having got down to 3mg after 2 years)  so we added 2.5 mg mtx and it worked! Why not try it again in a small dose - it may not be as bad.
Also i would add something to a working formula rather than shop around again.

Love Cathy

Welcome Julie!!!!You will get lots of support and advice here and if you are lucky Jooniper will share her candy pumpkins with you.

