I am broken. | Arthritis Information


After two Rituxan infusions I waited nine weeks for some result and got it. The first real result I have gotten in three years of playing with medications. I had energy. I wasn't in pain. I could clean my oven. Lol. I could play with my daughter and not get as tired as quickly. I could do some 'normal' things I have not done for five years...more...I don't remember. I had five weeks. That's all. Five measily weeks. And then I flared unbelievably back into the agony, the darkness, the despair. No nope. Gone. Two small normal little things. I got tired looking after my daughter during the holidays, well...what single mother doesn't? And because there was no pain, my GP tried to reduce my pain patch just slightly. That's all. And now I can't take it back or fix it. For years I have been strong. I have held hope that I would get better...the next medication would do it...common sense says something has to work. I want to get better. I need to get better...I have a small girl to raise. Now, I have no hope. My usual faith has been shattered. I can't believe in compassion, in faith, in love. So again doctors are doing all they can, extra Plaquenil, Prednisone, narcotics...none of it's working, it's not doing anything. I can barely function, get myself something to eat, can barely showers. I do Neve first and then energy left is for my basic self care...some of it at least. If Rituxan fails, I do get another round in March...bureaucracy won't let me have it before then. I have Orencia left. AP maybe, if I can get someone to give it to me. There is nothing left. As for being depressed, yeah, you could say I have reached a place of darkness to which I have never been. Now I so seriously doubt I will ever write again. I can't even get one creative thought, let alone put words together like I used too. I feel completely isolated and alone. There are no social events for me. I can't even get out and say hello to people to get to know them so how can I ever have a social life again. I have even been wondering would Neve's life would be better without me, would she be better off with someone else who cared for her instead of a broken Mummy who can't be fixed. I love her so much. RA takes everything. My writing. My friends. A social world. Being a normal Mummy. It just keeps taking and taking. I can't keep up as it prunes back my life into nothingness faster than I can take in a breathe. This non-closure loss and grief stuff that this disease is a master at...I just don't know if I can do anymore to fight it, to keep myself strong when I feel like I am being pruned down to a shell of nothingness. I feel like yelling, "Finish me off, you bastard!" It's so cruel. And my faith...what is that...my 20 years of spiritual practice I can't find a place to grasp onto anything within this. There is just no way, I can past a new fake smile on my face, pick myself up and say, "Well, this next round...it's the one that's gonna do it!" or "Oh, well, Orencia will be the one, I will just keep hoping, hanging there, struggling one believing that this, will help." And as for my incredible ability to use my sense of humour as a tool to help myself continue on, well, I can't even laugh anymore. I am so, so disappointed. You try so hard. Wait. More waiting. Hope. I am so disappointed and I am grieving, grieving madly for everything I have lost, this body that doesn't work anymore and I can't make it, the doctor's can't make it, the medications can't make it. Handkerchiefs are just no longer cutting it. I have had to move onto hand towels. In the last few weeks I cry and cry and cry Is the ultimate letting go? The rock bottom of RA? The darkest place from which I will find my way through this somehow? I can't even begin to see that. I am too lost. It is too dark and I have no choice to sit here in this darkness as the tears roll and roll and roll hotly down my cheeks, endless in their supply. I feel completely broken. Like RA has finally battered me so hard, that my spirit is now completely broken. Do I just need to sit here, broken? Is that somehow going to help? Is all this somehow my fault? Can I do more than I have? Help. I just so don't have a clue where this journey goes from here. I am more lost than I ever have been before. Thank for listening. Don't you DARE give up!  You have a beautiful little girl that needs you so you just have to buck up ONE MORE TIME and figure out how to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. 

You have fought the good fight for a long time and you still have options!  You have not been abandoned by God.  This is not some punnishment for being human and TIRED.  God doesn't work that way...but we do, we blame ourselves, or guilt ourselves, for human thoughts and emotions.  Don't fall into that trap.
You WILL get your creativity back...it's a gift.  You don't lose it, it's there inside you, waiting to be reborn.
Love and Hugs,
I'm so sorry Cordelia...wish there was something someone could do for you.
Have you talked with your doctor about some help with housework/errands/daughter with possibly the Red Cross?  Not sure where u go for that where u live, but here in Canada, they have home support workers to help people who are having troubles with those things.  I know the Red Cross is one place to look, but there are others that have the home support workers.  You need some help with everything you have going on.
What are your doctors saying?  Are you letting them know exactly how you're feeling?  If not, please do.  There has to be some answers for you somewhere.
Keeping you in my prayers
Cordy, have you contacted the council.  Do you have home help yet?  Your council will provide it.  Your church (if you have one, and probably even if you don't) will provide help in the way of meals and help in your home and even looking after Neve.  Even just someone to come in and visit and be with you or take you out of the darkness for a while. 
You haven't lost your ability to write with passion.  Your post proves that. 
Your doctor can contact the council and set the ball rolling.  Your doctor can set up a care plan for you with whatever type of therapy you need, psych, physio, whatever.  This can all be bulk billed.  You can and will make it through this darkness.  You have no choice, Neve needs you, not somebody else, you, she needs her mummy.
Massive hugs to you.
Cordy, everyone's had good things to say.  There's really only three things I can say....
I know, I know.
You are not a broken mummy.  Mummies who don't love their children are the only ones who are "broken", and that isn't you.  Neve needs you.
I'll wait with you.  You can wait with me.  At my Feb 19 rheumy appt, we'll see if my blood has recovered from the Rituxan (which did nothing for me) and I can try Orencia, that is if my 9-month sinus infection doesn't stop it.  I'm out on disability since November with no sign of getting better.  I know you've been waiting much longer than me.  But I'll wait, because that's all we can do.  Deal?
Oh Cordy, I have been where you are so many times, it is a difficult place to be. All I know is that you have to keep going, somehow, anyway that you are able.
I developed a routine which helped somewhat but the heartache and sadness still intrude my life because it seems as though everything is such a struggle.
If my daughter made it through my horrid life combatting this disease yours will as well. It is somehow not the life you wanted for her I am certain of that because my life an dher life was not what I had planned when they placed her in my arms. But the alternative is not an option. You have to keep going no matter what.
Take each day, each hour, and each minute as best you can. You have to have something to look forward to, anything. Easier said then done I know all too well.
Come here often to vent and write out your feelings as you have, that helps, even though you may view it as complaining, it is what we have all gone through at some point in our RA lives. It sucks....it sucks big time in real time and sometimes you feel as though your life will always be filled with all these thoughts; but it changes, all the time life changes and you have to remember that at your lowest point to keep you going.
I wished there was something mor ei could say or something I could do to help you through all this despair. LEt you RD know your feelings, there are medications that do help in time and to help you find what you need to get you to the point where you can return to your life  with happiness.
Oh, one more thing to say, so I guess that makes four!
Cordy, I am proud of you for coming here to post this.  I know it's not easy, and you've told us that your tendency is to withdraw.  You didn't give in to that, and it takes courage.

Hi Cordy,

My heart goes out to you and Neve. I believe she is what was given to you, too help you along in this journey. It is a journey none of us envy! We do enjoy seeing the good days now and then. I hope you have more in the days and years to come.


I know the despair, the darkness.  I let it suck me in this past fall but its not the answer.  You have to find a way to keep going, for your daughter-she needs her mom, in whatever capacity you can give her.  You were strong enough to reach out here, reach out to others if needed, support groups and hot lines must be available in your area.  Love and hugs Coedelai,
we hear your pain, we can empathsize, we can support you..but it really is time that you get a mental health professional into your life.  You need more than this or any on line forum can provide.
Please get some professional health for your depression please for your daughter
Cordy, if you don't hope for the next thing, then what's left? You have to keep hoping.    And let me ask you this....if Neve was the one who was sick, would you be better off without having a "broken daughter"  Of course not.  You know Neve is valuable just because of who she is and not at all because of what she is able to do physically.  So please don't think that you don't share that same value.  Because you do, especially to Neve.
You are strong.
You are brave.
You are admirable.
You are wonderful.
You are talented.
You are altruistic.
You are incredible.
You are amazing.
You are beautiful.
You are courageous.
You are sensational.
I love you, Cordy.
And if I could be there right now to help, I would. You are not alone. Please keep reaching out - we're here for you!
Hi Cordelia,
I'm so sad that you're where you are now.  
I've been there too, and so have most of the people on this board I imagine.   It is a place we get out of and we do move on to somewhere better, but when you are there you think it is going to be forever.  IT ISN'T.    
I have sworn so much at God that I expect he's sending me straight to hell, but the anger got to me before the despair.
I say this phrase to myself when thing are bad "This too shall pass", and I find it helps.
Love to you daughter and take care,
My sentiments echo a lot of the things that have already been said.
My addition: Please do not give up your faith- sometimes God is quietiest right before he gives you great things. I was losing my faith too recently and he bestowed upon me a great healing.
When I get home from work I hope to remember to post  a daily prayer that my mother sent to me for me to say when I was going through my hard time. Maybe it will bring you solace as well.
This song also helps me when I'm feeling down:
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You feel like a candle in a hurricane

Just like a picture with a broken frame

Alone and helpless

Like you've lost your fight

But you'll be alright


Cause when push comes to shove

You taste what you're made of

You might bend, till you break

Cause its all you can take

On your knees you look up

Decide you've had enough

You get mad you get strong

Wipe your hands shake it off

Then you Stand, Then you stand

Life's like a novel

With the end ripped out

The edge of a canyon

With only one way down

Take what you're given before its gone

Start holding on, keep holding on

[Repeat Chorus]

Everytime you get up

And get back in the race

One more small piece of you

Starts to fall into place


[Repeat Chorus]

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Prayers are going up for you too!
If I knew you lived around the corner or close to it, I'd be around to lend a shoulder for you to cry on.

Keep on keeping on.

With love.........
Snowowl..The med isn't working as well as it should be.  Also from reading her posts cordelia's depression goes far past the simple anti depresive stage.  She really needs professional mental health treatment.  If you can't cure the physical problem she needs to learn coping mechanisms to keep her mentally healthier than she is right now. I just woke up here in AU. It's 7.35am and like I mothers I am straight school preparations so I can't even answer properly for a few hours nor have I even had time to take in the info, but I will by about lunchtime here. It's like since this last flare happened, I am going through these huge purges of loss and grief. Every few days it just keeps happening. Obviously it's something I need to do but from last night you can see how rough it is. I must have howled for four hours...and still fell asleep crying. This morning I feel better but am aware that it may happen again.

I need to go through this purge/loss/grief thing. I believe it's the only way I can get to the other side...wherever that is.

Yes, I am depressed but my doctor says not clinically. This purge/loss/grief thing is from being in the place I am physically, from being in so much pain constantly. My doctor knows it not clinical because if I am well RA wise, not in pain, not fatigued, not crippled...I am not depressed. She used to control this stuff for me with a mood stabiliser but there are not many of them available. The one she had my on gave me Odema and I had to come off it...the other's side effects are so bad I won't touch them...so now I am getting to feel the immense loss as the feelings aren't being controlled by drugs.

I am already on an effective anti depressant for anything clinical that may be there...but my doctor truly believes this is purely RA related only. I am already in counseling as I believe it is a essential to helping with the loss and adjustments RA brings.

 The loss that RA has brought into my life has been shattering. I was a highly independent competent woman. I used to work with teenagers who lived on the streets...thought nothing of managing a household of ten of them...I worked in refuges for women & kids escaping domestic violence...I have written books and for the last five years I can hardly dress myself, barely walk to the kettle to put it on. This stuff is just so, so difficult to adjust too. It's a hard, long process.

All that is in place already. It just seems that the purging/loss thing is necessary. Maybe when I have gotten though it, a new place of acceptance will happen for me.

This was so hard to post. Very, very, very hard. Thank you Inner, for recognising that.

Bodak, thank you for your kind thoughts too.

I love you all. Thank you for being here.    Much Hugs, Cordy. Don't stop living Cordy...you can work your way past this for Neve.What a wonderfully honest and passionate expression of the pain and suffering that you feel is consuming your life right now.  It is refreshing and hopeful that you can face your brokeness so courageously and express it so eloquently.  I truly believe that you can find healing in such stark, bare honesty.  I want to join the "I am broken" club.  The title suits me just fine.  I can see the brokeness in my own life, first through the horribly draining experience of my son's illness, and now my own.  But it's OK...my eyes are wide open and I can clearly see that it doesn't matter...my life has lost none of it's value and neither has yours.  I work with homeless teenagers at a drop-in center.  Just about every one of them comes from a broken  home where they were rejected or abused by their parents...or the often sterile environment of a foster home.  Their lives have been shattered because their parents couldn't love them unconditionally.  Your illness doesn't stop you from loving your daughter unconditionally, and that's the most important thing you can give her.  I learned that over many painful years with my son....nothing else even comes close to mattering as much...and this disease can't take that love from you.  You are the most important thing in her life and that will never change.  Even your brokeness has value because it peel away all the superficial stuff that so often clutters our life and hides what really matters.
You are an inspiration to me! I will pray for you and your daughter.
Alan2008-02-11 17:04:56Cordelia
The prayer I promised:
Heavenly Father
I call on you right now in a special way.
It is through your power that I was created. Every breath I take, every morning I wake, and every moment of every hour I live under your power.
Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power.
For if you created me from nothing-surely you can recreate me.
Fill me with the healing power of your spirit.
Cast out anything that should not be in me.
Mend what is broken.
Root out any unproductive cells.
Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas.
Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection.
Let the warmth of your healing love pass through my body to make new any unhealthy areas so that my body will function the way you created it to function.
And Father, restore me to full health in mind and body so that I may serve you all the rest of my life.
I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen
I hope this helps you as much as it helped me.
Ben's Brother - Carry On

When you're lost, and you're lonely
And your only way is up
When your day rises from you
Like a mountain to its top
Look beside you, and you will find me
I will guide you, when your will is gone

So carry on, carry on, carry on
What ever comes, and however painful, however long
When your hope has been denied you
I will walk beside you, carry on

All my life has been a battle
Fought within me with myself
You always know what the truth is
But the trick is to know yourself

I looked around me in the darkness
And you found me when there was no one else

So carry on, carry on, carry on
Whatever comes, and however painful, however long
When your hope has been denied you
I will walk beside you, carry on

Let me count the ways that I love you
Let me count the days that we have known
Show me a place to be with you
Cos I can't do this on my own, on my own

So carry on, carry on, carry on
What ever comes, and however painful, however long
When your hope has been denied you
I will walk beside you, carry on

So carry on, carry on, carry on
Whatever comes, and however painful, however long
When your hope has been denied you
I will walk beside you, carry on

When your hope has been denied you
I will walk beside you, carry on

**Listen to it here: http://www.myspace.com/bensbrothermusic

  Listen to the love here and feel it in your heart.  If you can inspire this across the internet, imagine the inspiration you are to your child.

Best wishes from someone you have inspired.

- Joy
Joy2008-02-11 17:52:07I too worry about my son. He is 4, and like you, I am a single mom as well. When his dad walked out when I was pregnant-I actually thought about adoption. I figured, what kind of mom could I be? I am proud to say, I am a awesome mom. You are too! You are giving your daughter a wonderful example of what a person can overcome. You are someone to be admired. Honestly, as a teacher, I see tons of kids in different situations. The kids that I have that come from a home where there is a chronic illness of some sort are the most empathetic(sp?) kids I have. They are not a self-centered as their peers. They have more drive. Yes, it is hard. There are many days I wonder how I am going to get breakfast, both of us dressed and out the door by 7:00. I have caught myself snapping at Nathan, when really it is because I hurt. I always make time to cuddle with him at night-we both curl up in his bed and read stories. These are my favorite times-plus I am off my feet!

You will emerge from this down time as a stronger mom. Make sure your dr.'s know that you are a single parent. You have a much different difinition of "daily living" then most. See if there is something that they can do. It is just a matter of finding the magic combination for you. It will happen...Cordelia, my heart is with you.  The only good thing about hitting rock bottom, is that there isn't any further to go.  I, too, am honored with your trust to post in such an honest way.  Take care ~~ CathyCordy, sometimes faith and hope are the only thing you can hold on to. Remember the footsteps in the sand poem? God is always there with you, sometimes you may not always realize it but He's there. You are going through a tough spot right now but I truly believe you will pull through. You have a daughter that wants her mommy sick or healthy. Either way in her eyes you are everything to her. Keep doing it for her. You can do it, girl! Everyone's rooting for ya!
take care
Cordy, When I had post traumatic stress dissorder I just didnt want to live anymore. My body had been to hell and I felt thats where I was. I tried to take my own life in many ways,wishing I had never come out of the coma.My family didnt understand why I wasnt grateful to be alive after what I had been through but they never knew how hard it was for me just living each day in extreme pain. It was when my daughter fell pregnant that the depression began to lift. I had a reason to live.(A grandchild ) Family is everything to me and I know now how much they all needed me. Just like Neve needs you. And you especially need her. I started writing my feelings down and making sure everyday there was something I was glad to be alive for. Even if it was seeing rain or a rainbow, even a butterfly. Children see the awe in everything. take yourself back and start seeing that awe again. It truly is a beautiful world. PS  Remember you were here before and found it truly hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you did get there and I know you will again, reach out wherever you can and if posting helps, post away.  Everyone cares about you and are waiting on tenterhooks to hear that you are ok again, please give us that news. Cordy, honey, for me hang in there please. I know the place you are going and I know it because I am going there quickly. Please for that beautiful little girl hang on to life. 
She loves you and to her you are NOT broken to her you are MUM!  To her you are the sun, moon and stars, and really she probably does not know that it should not be any other way.  I bet she took the little ray of sunshine in the form of three weeks and charished it, but I bet she charishes every time she climbs on your bed for a little cuddle.  She also charishes the fact that you put her first in every way...she sees it and knows it.  She is a smart little cookie, and for her the time will get easier, because in a couple of years she can help with the tasks of washing up after dinner or even making dinner as my DD did tonight. 
I can't help but think that in a world where kids are catered to so much that ours will be stronger, wiser, and more compassionate, because they have had to learn those things.  So, I say to you my dearest friend....hold on...the best will come not on a roaring wind but in the laughter of your precious little daughter!
Cordy, I hope you're still back here and reading, even if not posting.  Don't forget that goal...not to withdraw.  Conquer that one and you're on your way!  Just keep moving forward a little bit at a time. No, Suzanne. I'm here. Meant to tell you before that 'it's a deal'.

Yesterday just got busy, I had counseling, then I had to nap because of RA, then picked up Neve and into town to the bank & dinner with my parents. Home at 7.30pm, Neve to bed then fall into bed myself exhausted. 

A usual day for a parent, single or partnered. Love you, Cordy!! Hi Sweetie, I'm sorry I haven't posted sooner. I've been down the past four days and just haven't felt like doing anything. I feel like I've let you down when you were reaching out. But you have been on my mind so much, since I first read your post.
You write with such feeling, it touches my soul. I wish I had the ability to express myself as well as you do. Cordy, you have so much to offer to your precious little one and to each of us as well. I'm sure the time you spend with Neve is very important to her and she will grow up to have the wonderful gualities her Mommy has.
I hope you are feeling better. You can see by the outpouring of love you have received, that you are very important to so many.
Be well, dear Cordy. My heart is with you.
Gentle hugs and many blessings,
Cordy, hun, you made me smile on a not-so-great day.  I hope you make it back for your proper post, but if not, just knowing you're around is a good thing! Yes, I just thought I would let you all know I was okay and around just in amongst all this I have all this 'normal' stuff I have to do, like phone calls and Neve and housework etc.

Emotionally though, I do think I am feeling better and ironically, I am not in as much pain nor as fatigued, my two main symptoms, since I let all that out the other day in that post. It is very bizarre.

I often think brokenness is a very transformative place. Cordy, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately, but after reading your post, I just knew I could not go to sleep tonight without responding. You are such a wonderful and insightful person, Neve has been blessed to have you as her mummy. You write with such eloquence and describe a darkness that most of us have fallen into at one time or another. You are right. RA robs us of so very much! I too, have wondered if my children would be better off without me, for I am broken as well...physically and mentally. I used to be such a great dynamic mom for them and their friends, and now I feel like a burden. The one thing I have found that helps more than pain meds and doctors is getting out of the house. I was spending too much time with my my thoughts and wallowing in misery. My nights are filled with more pain (if that's possible) because I am trying to work and my hubby is sleeping in the spare room because he says I toss and turn and moan in pain when I sleep. I don't know what the right answer is, but we have to have faith that things will get better.
We all love you very much, so please keep posting and let us know how you are doing.
many hugs!
I am still here. This is a check in or Inner glow will get me. Cordelia2008-02-13 06:11:30You're right....I'll get ya if I have to!
And...you still are a strong, capable, competent, self-assured woman.  Just one with a lot more to deal with. 

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