Wine may calm inflammation in blood vessels | Arthritis Information


Adding to evidence that a little wine can do a heart good, a new study suggests that women who drink moderate amounts may have less inflammation in their blood vessels.

Spanish researchers found that after four weeks of drinking two glasses of wine per day, women showed lower levels of certain inflammatory substances in their blood. The findings, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggest a mechanism by which wine -- particularly red wine -- may protect the heart.

Numerous studies have found that wine drinkers tend to have lower rates of heart disease than teetotalers do. Research also suggests that higher levels of "good" HDL cholesterol may be one reason, though not a full explanation of the benefit.

Figuring out exactly how wine may protect the heart is important in order to prove that the link between wine and heart health is, in fact, a direct one, according to Dr. Emilio Sacanella, the lead researcher on the new study.

Studies that show wine drinkers to have better heart health do not prove that wine is the reason, explained Sacanella, of the University of Barcelona. Wine lovers may, for example, have generally better diets, higher exercise levels or other heart-healthy habits, he told Reuters Health.

For their study, Sacanella and his colleagues focused on the potential effects of wine on inflammation. Inflammation is part of the body's response to injury. It's thought that chronic, low-level inflammation -- in response to stresses like smoking, high cholesterol and obesity -- contributes to the buildup of fatty deposits called plaques in the inner lining of the arteries.

Inflammation may also make these plaques more likely to rupture and create a blood clot that could then trigger a heart attack. can't drink on some of our meds, right?  Like MTX?

Actually, opinions vary among RD's about drinking and MTX. Some say absolutely not, others say 1 or 2 drinks a week are fine. I think its the reservitol (spelling) that's the reason it works on inflammation.  The problem is I've seen studies that point to that being able to extend the life of a single yeast bug 70%,  Great, I have yeast.
I used to have a martini EVERY night...then RA and MTX came into my life...:(
First DR said ABSOLUTELY not a drop.
New Dr. says an ocassional drink is OK like on Sat. night.
I don't want to chance friggin up my liver levels so I just have one on special ocassions.
The rheumie that originally put me on MTX said up to four "beer equivalents" a week was ok, but to not do that every week.  Since my dosage has gone up, I limit it to one to two "beer equivalents" a week, but most weeks I don't drink anything.  For me, its nice to still be able to have an occasional drink, and my new doc does my blood work like clockwork, so if anything goes wrong, it'll show up quick.   My dr and pharmacist both said an occasional drink was fine as long as the blood levels came up ok...and after reading that article, good enough for me.  :)  Maybe I will have a glass of wine on occasion.  :)I saw a similar study shortly after being diagnosed and sent it off to my family - complaining because I did enjoy my wine and it sure didn't help me.   I gave it my best try - oh well.   I'm on mtx and my rheumy is fine with 2-3 glasses a week (red wine for me)  labs are done every 6-8 weeks and have never gone up.   
Take care,
Wow...this is the first forum I saw when I came online and lo and behold, I had a glass of red wine in hand! My RD also told me it was fine to have alcohol on occassion.  She says if you like red wine, you go ahead and have a glass of red wine...just don't overdo!  Don't let this disease stop you from living and enjoying what you enjoy! I love wine--but I just started on Arava, so no more for me.
It stinks that alot of our meds don't allow for alcohol---although maybe we would be alcoholics if we could!!!!   hee hee
I will miss my wine and my favorite drink at the Outback--- the wallaby darn---my husband and I love them!!! I want one right now-----now that I mentioned it!
Darn---those wallaby darns!Wouldnt it be OK to have a Wallaby Darn once in awhile?  I don't see why an occasional drink would do much harm...but then I'm not a Dr. so I better hush!  I just know that Drs.  have different opinions about it.  I guess what it really comes down to, is what we want for our bodies!
But now you have me wondering what a Wallaby darns is!! LOL.  I may need to find out for myself
