methotrexate blahs! | Arthritis Information


So has anyone else had the experience that metho. made things worse not better? At least half of the week after I take my shot I just feel YUCKY. Sick to my stomach, headache, just my feet weigh 100 lbs to lift! Not to mention my skin peeling off and my hair falling out:( I'm just so frustrated and wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I took my shot 4 days late a few weeks ago and felt better then I had in ages. Well, since I started the metho anyways! But I just don't know what to do...I if it wasnt my last option I would have said heck with it already! But I just started Rituxen and have to take metho with it, and have already tried and failed all the other meds-humira, enbrel, remicade, orencia, etc. Am I crazy??? Has anyone else felt this way from metho? Yes, I think you'll find many of us feel yucky the day after.  Some people do better on the injectible, I did better by splitting my dose (a great tip I learned here, BTW).  Maybe someone also on the injectible can give you some advice.  In the meantime, just know that you've got plenty of company.  I just woke up after a 2 hour nap - last night was MXT injection night.  I've been out of it all day.  Hardly ever have nausea, but I do get MXT fog and fatigue.  I plan around it, all I can do.  It seems to be working along with Humira for the RA, my PA is now flaring.  What has your RD recommended?  Lindy

The fatigue usually hits me about 24 hours after mtx.  I take it Tuesday after work and by  8:00-9:00 on Wednesday evening, I'm ready for bed.  Very seldom have any nausea or headaches, just very tired.  

Take care
Hi NCH0202:
First post, long time lurker. I've been using the Mtx by injection for 11 months - it wipes me out for 2 days. Nausea, grog, pissy mood, and TIRED!  I usually try it with a yogurt to minimize the nausea and go straight to bed on a Friday night. I chose Friday nights so that I could be kind of dopey over the weekend and I could take naps - I need to be sharp for work during the week. So...the family suffers a bit.
On the encouraging side, it took about 3 - 4 months of cranking the dosage up to back off my immune system and I am back to playing guitar again! Albeit with some stiffness and reduced ability. But hey, it is better than becoming a drummer!
I have taken methotrexate 15mg every week for about two months so far. I am taking the oral form and have not really had many significant side effects. Perhaps I am lucky because I see a lot of people on this board writing about the horrors of this drug. I also have very low AST/ALT (~17). I do not drink any alcohol ever and I try to eat healthy when I can. I always make sure and drink a very large amount of water usually with lemon juice throughout the day that I take the methotrexate and several days after because it is cleared much faster by the kidney this way. That way it can do it's job and be out of my body quickly minimizing the side effects. I'm not sure if this is what is keeping me from having the horrible side effects, but it is possible. I also take the 1mg of FA every day. Sometimes I get the diarrhea but it is usually only once on the morning after I have taken my MTX dose and is really not very problematic for me. I find that taking probiotics can help somewhat with this side effect. Rx2Heal2008-02-11 23:24:27I had the same problem with methotrexate, I had maybe 2 good days out of every week.The day after the tablets I was totally wiped out and then still tired and nauseas for a few days after that. I put up with that for 12 mths until my liver started to play up (yippee) So I was put on side effects at all.I'm currently taking 15 mg of MTX.  I started taking it 5 months ago.  I feel yucky for a day or two afterwards.  I do what Guitarzan does, take it on Friday night so I have the weekend to recuperate if needed.
I'm concerned about your skin peeling.  I've never heard of that as a side effect of MTX.  Has anyone else?
Edited to add mtx information for Tinker!
kweenb2008-02-12 06:06:24Thanks for all your replies. Interesting to hear of others experiences. My dr. really doesn't want to hear about all the side effects...sort of waves them aside...probably because he doesn't know what to do. However, the skin peeling with too evident-couldn't deny that! Sent me to a dermatologist who put me on more med for that. I am going to call him today though and insist we figure something out re: the side effects, b/c I can't and won't keep living like this. Sleeping with a puke bucket next to my bed every night is not a good thing:(


Sorry you're feeling so bad Nichole. How much mtx are you taking and for how long?

You say 'skin peeling' - could you be more specific?
