Daily Doings - Still Winter Out There | Arthritis Information


Not much going on here.  I was to go have my visual field test today, but I called to rebook my app't for next month.  It's just too cold to go outside.  The parking is just terrible at the hospital and it takes forever to even get from the parking lot to the hospital. 

So today I'll just do some scrapbooking and sip on some hot chocolate :)
Hope everyone has a good day!

Good Morning SnowOwl.  No mischief for me today.....off to the pottery studio this morning and golfing later today.  The weather is beautiful, 80 degrees with a slight breeze.  Awesome Sonora desert spring weather.  My morning started better than they have been for a couple of weeks.  Much less leg pain this morning, guess MXT shot Sun. night is starting to work.  Take care and be careful in that winter weather.  I'll order a hot chocolate, please. Lindy

It has finally warmed up here, 10 degrees above is downright tropical after two weeks of -20. I'm not putting any more wood in the stove, even though DH started it before he went to work, it just makes the house too hot when it's 10 above. Maybe the humidity will finally get a chance to recover. Well better get back to the sewing machine, I got so much done when AI crashed. Hope everyone has a good day.It's almost like not being diabetic, I would never go back to injections, course I've had a pump for 22 years. All I have to remember is take extra insulin when I eat and to check that I have enough insulin in the pump to last however long I will be gone from the house. The pump holds about 5 days of insulin and I still test about 4 times a day. The RA has impacted my health more than the diabetes.*emerges from the depths of the down comforter*


It's that week again. Wake me when it's over.....>.<

Glad everyone is having a laid back day. It's the best, ya know!
Thanks hun. :) I'm doping up on some lovely pills that to me good. They just haven't kicked in yet. *grumble*

I'll second Deidre's comments about the pump. I have 2 friends who are diabetic. Both are candidates for the pump. One got it, one didn't. BIG MISTAKE ON THE ONE'S PART!!! I keep telling her to go back and get it, but I think she's scared. Her levels are never right, and the diabetes is always "in the way" of her doing something. (no, I can't, cause where will I store my needles? etc etc)

The other girl, LOVES her pump. We can be out somewhere, and she'll go "I feel kinda off...." Checks her levels, they're a little high, pushes a button, she gets an immediate boost of insulin and she's good to go. She's into SO MANY things at her college, she even sails. (Of all sports, how bizarre..lol)

And chica #1? Has dropped out of every "extra" activity she's gotten into. (okay, not ALL because of the shots, she does have her own issues, but a lot of it is that she can't control her health very well. which she'd be better at, with the pump.) KWIM??

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