The Great Lyme Controversy | Arthritis Information


6T5falane has recently brought the Lyme Disease political problem up on this forum and I think it's a thread worth following (thanks again, 6T5, for bringing this important issue for discussion):

Here's a great 3 part news report about Lyme disease from ABC network. One of their braodcasters had Lyme for years before she found out what it was and first discovered this story. The first part is a personal story, the 2nd part discusses treatment and the 3rd part discusses the heated politics surrounding Lyme. The whole thing takes about 15 minutes to watch or you can read the transcripts.

ABC 13: The Lyme Controversy

How many people here have Lyme and don't know it? Or have been misdiagnosed with something else and continue to get worse? Or know they have Lyme and are needlessly suffering because of a big political quagmire?

People who think they may have Lyme and are proactively minded might want to join TOFU (Stands for Ticked Off and Fed Up)
When I went to a RD in August I insisted on having a lyme test right off the bat...came back negative.

I have a friend that works in an ER. In the office/break room place...they have a poster reminding them to test for lyme. I think the docs are starting to realize that this goes undiagnosed too often.
Igenex - only good test - the rest are 'bunk'.I was tested for lymes , it came back negative too. I was really hoping it was that and not RA ( my results came from Igenex lab)Pin Cushion. Was the Igenex test " Lab Negative " or CDC neg. The CDC requirements are archaic at bestP.S. Thanks for the Link !!I just know that the igenex lab results came back neg. I will ask my doc when i see him next.VERY IMPORTANT to have the " Bands " from the Western Blot test . Please post them when you get themHere is a quote from the website of Dr. Charles Crist.
"In many ways, borreliosis is like syphilis. Both of the germs that cause syphilis and borreliosis are called spirochetes (spiral-shaped bacteria).  Before penicillin was discovered, doctors called syphilis “a great imitator” because syphilis can imitate or mimic virtually any disease.  Likewise, borreliosis often mimics other diseases.  This is one of the key points of this website.  Borreliosis can cause any symptom and any disease.  People who have not been healthy need to consider this infection as a possibility if they are trying to find the cause of their medical problems."
Lyme tests are for guidance only, Lyme remains a clinical diagnosis, similar to those who test neg. for RA and yet get a diagnosis based on their symptoms.
