New Here | Arthritis Information


I've been reading these boards for months but until now have not posted. I'm a 47 year old married mother of 3 girls and I was diagnosed with RA last January.  It came on very suddenly.  I went from being perfectly healthy to barely able to dress myself in the period of a few short weeks.  I diagnosed myself  with RA based on my internet research before I ever saw a doctor. 

I was initially started on prednisone (which worked well and fast) and mtx.  The mtx did not work well for me and I was unable to reduce my dosage of prednisone without a serious return of symptoms.  When I started losing my hair I called my doctor and told her I was done with the mtx.  She switched me to Arava which has worked better and has not caused the same hair loss.  The Arava seemed to work a bit better than the mtx but I was still unable to reduce the prednisone below 10mg without  serious problems.  Four months ago we added Enbrel and the combination seems to be working.  I'm down to 5 mg of predisone and have very few symptoms.  I have one knee that feels slightly stiff from time to time and feet that feel a bit "funny" sometimes.  I have no pain at all.  I'm able to exercise at the gym 5x a week and work full time without a problem. 
When I was initially diagnosed I was terrified because I'd read so many awful things about the percentage of people with RA who are unable to work, the stress it can cause to a marriage and of course the photos of what it can do to your hands.  I also had to make the huge adjustment in my self image.  I have always been extremely healthy and thought of myself as a healthy person.  Now i am a person who has a chronic disease.  That took some getting used to.  I have however adjusted.  LOL!  I see no reason now that I won't be able to work for many years.  This has not effected my marriage at all and I do not forsee my hands ever looking like the photos, given the drugs that are currently available to keep this disease under control.   
Anyway, thought I should finally introduce myself.  I've learned so much from reading this board.  I don't know anyone else in my "real life" who has RA so reading these boards has been especially helpful.
Hi, and welcome to the board. Sounds like you were lucky and got the right med for you pretty fast. Congrats!!! I recently started taking enbrel too and it is helping me alot. Especially with stiffness and energy. I'm so glad you posted and are having a good outcome with your ra.
take care
Welcome to the board there is a lot of really nice and helpful people hear i have sure learned alot i don't know anyone in real life that has ra exept me .
have a nice evening.Hi and welcome!
Welcome to the board. I am also 47 and have three girls. I was diagnosed in 2005. I too am glad that you are finding success with the treatment you are on. Keep trying to reduce your pred as prescribed by your doctor. Post often, it is nice to have a new member, but sorry you had to come here. Thanks everyone for your welcoming comments!  Hi Anastacia and welcome Hi.  Glad you found AI, but sad you have a reason to be here.I am so happy that you are having a productive life and it has not changed anything for you!  I so hope this trend is hard when you are to the place where not a lot is working. 
Good luck for continued health and well-being.  I am glad you are here!!


Hi Anastacia