Bruising | Arthritis Information


I had a blood test last week and the lady said that I may get a little bruise as my blood 'spurted' a bit! Oh my God, I think it's taking over my arm! This bruise is just MASSIVE! Proper blacky colour as well! It looks like I've been beaten up! I had the same thing happen a couple months ago..then yesterday again...looks like someone grabbed  my arm and twisted it   Hard to hide in the summertime isn't it? I don't know what causes it, I suspected the rubber thing was too tight on my arm, but then someone else said that the blood came out of the vein into the arm?  It just so happens that the last few days over here in England have been so so hot that I haven't been able to cover it up! It's just to huid so I didn't bother. Instead I walked around in a strappy top and explained to about a million people that it was just because of a blood test and not because I'm fallen off or been punched.I have ugly bruises all over my body.  People keep making comments on it.  It is a side effect of prednisone and clumsiness.  I hope it is not "old bananas bruise easily"

My legs are just full of them. I am not on prednisone. I have no clue what is causing it.

Bloodwork ALWAYS causes nasty bruises.

Methotrexate will cause bruising too. I seem to bruise really easy since I started all these meds. Bloody blood sucking day-walking vampires!! I just dread having to go back to the doc, I know the vampire lady will be there!!Joonie I just have to respond to that,  I am in so much hip and knee pain and I can't take anything because I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow but that is just tooooo funny.  Thanks for making me laugh.


Your welcome, Mina! I hope your procedure goes well tomorrow, and better then you expect it to go.  Oh and do not forget to get the GOOD drugs
