A short Detroit cruise | Arthritis Information


Most of these pictures are in Detroit but a few are not. The large bridge is the bridge  that connects Detroit, Michigan, USA with Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Get in, buckle up and enjoy the cruise, or not.

Were these taken on some sort of trip? You've got a good eye for finding the interesting shot. The first few were lovely.....the remaining remind me how fortunate I am.
Thanks for sharing.
interesting pictures....enjoyed them.Is the first church Assumption Grotto?
Detroit is one of the poorest cities in America.  It saddens my heart to see American's live in such poverty.
Below is a link I've posted before - Colgate is giving fun centers to cities that don't have one for the sick kids in hospitals.  Please think about voting for Detroit if you don't have a hosptial near you that needs one.
Wow Lev, you do have an eye for compostition. As an art teacher I find these very interesting, especially those houses!Cool, thanks for sharing, Lev.  I like the funky primitive art on the houses, and the shopping carts on the tree.   That was pretty amazing. 
Everywhere we have ever lived, if somebody gets creative like that, city code people take it down! 
I love the close up of the duck!!!! or is that a goose hahah I don't know my animalsLev, Not sure how old you are but do you remember a Place in Detroit called " The Brass Rail ". Had a hugh wood carving out front???Hey Lev, Really nice pictures . Thanks for sharing them .
We had a couple that collected stuffed animals outside of town here and they hung them all up in an old oak tree ( hundreds of them ). I thought it looked pretty cool . But a couple of years ago lightning struck that tree and burned it all up .
I guess the neighbors were really happy because when the weather got warm you could smell the molding stuffed animals for miles .
I forgot to mention...I saw on one photo "Boblo Island" on a building.  I remember going to Boblo Island when I was a young girl and later as a teen with a friend and her family.  Loved that place!Wow,  beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.  What a shame Detroit can't restore some of those old houses and beautiful brick buildings to create living spaces for those in need.Living about 30minutes north of the Ambassador Bridge, I am familiar with some of those scenes.  They are trying to restore some parts of downtown detroit but to me it still remains a sad place.   Those are some pictures. Most of the urban blight in America's rust belt has not been decorated like these. Lev, remember The Brass Rail ????Wow! Great pics. I have never been to or around Detroit..certainly opened my eyes. Good eye! I'm so glad that some of you enjoyed going on my trip with me. This was just a car cruise, one of my favorite past times or ways to pass time. To those of you that feel bad about the poverty, please keep in mind that poverty bothers the non-poverished more than the poverty stricken. Many of the poverty stricken have more happiness than we'll ever have. It's not the poverty that affects the quality of life in poverty areas. The downtown area is very much revitalized and re-newed and very expensive. If someone in one of the new 1/2 million dollar lofts or t/h in the riverfront area has a cat that gets up in the raftors and is afraid to come down and the owner dials 911, the police are there in less than three minutes. If someone in the outer parts of Detroit calls and says that someone is breaking into her house, it may be 3-8 hours before help arrives. That is what's poor about Detroit, not poverty, poverty does not bother them and actually helps them. Without poverty, housing costs would be equal to the suberbs, then what? If any one ever feels like they need to help the poor, demand that they live in safety and without fear. Anyone that cannot feel safe, is not free. I am constantly drawn to Detroit because to me it is like a different country, a different world. I talk to many "poor" people and they seem to have alot of happiness, less restrictions and everyone is poor, everyone doesn't have to try and keep up with the neighbors.
Suzanne, in the same area as those pictures the city did win some law suit and bulldozed blocks, what a shame.
Cah, I thinks it's a goos and I think he didn't like me.
Maime, good point, seems like it would raise quite a stink.
Kelstev, that's why I took those pictures of the Boblo because I used to go to Boblo Island when I was a teen and young adult. A couple of the Boblo boats have been refurbished and are now giving cruises up and down the Detroit River.
6t5, I do remember the Brass Rail, does this look familiar?
Everyone keep in mind that most of these pictures were not taken from the worst and scariest parts of detroit but will soon go there and take some pictures and share them with yous.
levlarry2008-02-15 09:07:36Lev, Yup thats the one !!! Very Cool. I'm glad they preserved it. I have to search but on one of the car sites they had videos of detroit fom around 1954. Lemme go searchin for yaLev Go to Youtube. Search Metro Detroit 1954. Go the first video ( there are 3 ) You will see The Brass Rail
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