Could I have RA? | Arthritis Information


It seems I have gone many years not knowing how my symptoms connected with RA. I have known I have arthritis for years, it onset as a teenager and has progressed. I flare much worse now than I ever have. After a recent very painful flare, and some research, I am suddenly wondering if I may have RA. I am pregnant for the second time, and out from under my comforts of anti-inflammatories once again, and it's not fun. I was hoping some of you could tell me if my symptoms match that of RA, and what should be my next step?

Symptoms: Joint pain, stiffness, throbbing, and pain radiating between joints (back and forth), these pains are symmetric to each side of my body. My most affected areas are my hands, feet, knees, elbows, neck, and lower back.
Widespread muscle stiffness and pain in legs, way low back, way upper back, and neck.
Only recently I have noticed a couple of low grade fevers during flare ups (never thought of checking before).
Frequent headaches usually caused by neck stiffness and pain. Fatigue during flare ups, probably b/c my body is worn out from functioning through the pain. I ONLY get relief from anti-inflammatories, which my doctor has told me not to take during pregnancy. My recent flare up has left me almost unable to care for my toddler for 2 days.

My arthritis has affected these things in my life: writing, crocheting, knitting and other activities that require lots of delicate maneuvering of my hands and fingers. Some day I cannot open jars, during bad flare ups I can barely do simple tasks such as open doors and use a can opener. I feel like buying those old people products from TV! LOL. peetred2008-02-14 22:09:26What does your doctor say about the arthritis?  What kind of arthritis were you diagnosed with? 

Yeah it could be RA or it could be fibromyagia or thyroid disease or a myriad of other things...only a doctor is qualified to diagnose you.  Generally RA tends to remiss during pregnancy.
Your next step is to make an appointment with a rheumatologist and figure out what is going on

As usual, Buckeye is right, while I have seen some posts where people DON'T go into remission during pregnanacy...those people are RARE. 

Do you have a rheumatoligist?  You have something, probably RA, but is anybody ruling out everything else?


No answers for you...just wanted to say welcome and hope u get some answers soon!Bump so some of the JRAers can see this.
[QUOTE=buckeye]What does your doctor say about the arthritis?  What kind of arthritis were you diagnosed with?  don't hink about it.  Pain is not a normal thing and should always be checked out.  if you can get ahold of your records from that dr who said you had arthritis that would be a good thing Peetred -
Welcome to the board!
I am a JRA'er diagnosed @ 18 months old, but now it is considered RA, because I am 28.
My story is quite similar to yours, because when I was growing up all I was ever told was that I had "arthritis" and that by the time I was a teenager my body would be like that of a 60 something year old. Yeah... I did not know what I had until I came to this board. I still do not know for sure what type of JRA I had. My mom does not remember.
How is my story similar to yours? Well... because I did not know what I had and just thought I had "arthritis" that old people get.
