Hello, new here | Arthritis Information


I've been visiting this website for awhile and finally decided to introduce myself.

My name is Mel.  About 10 years ago, I started having trouble with my feet.  After almost 2 years of various misdiagnosis, I was told I had ankylosing spondylitis.  By then my left foot had already experienced severe cartilage damage.

Since then my walking and standing ability has deteriorated.  I've also got some arthritis in my hands, shoulders, and back.  My arthritis seems to travel.  Well, it's constantly in my feet, but the pain in my other body parts comes and goes in cycles.  I'm currently taking mobic.  I use CapsazinHP and Biofreeze, and exercise to get through the day.  I'm no longer working because pain and fatigue got to be too much.

Arthritis isn't my whole life.  I enjoy working on my family tree (I'm addicted!) and do volunteer work on a genealogy website.  I also enjoy spending time with my dog and my nieces and nephew, watching baseball (the season is almost here!), reading, playing on the computer, movies, listening to music, and spending time outside in the fresh air.  I also maintain two websites  to keep me active.

Thanks for making this website available,
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