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So... why did the chicken cross the road?

as my young nephew once said "cause it wanted to" Uh...it saw Col. Sanders coming?

Gimpy-a-gogo2008-02-15 13:32:55
Ok, I say we make it mandatory protocol for all plumbers to wear a thong while on the job.
'No more plumbers crack, only whale tail!'
'No more plumbers crack, only whale tail!'
'No more plumbers crack, only whale tail!'
'No more plumbers crack, only whale tail!'
I won't tell you what the kids around here say as to why the chicken crossed the road.Oh come on. Now you DO have to tell us. You can't leave us hanging like that!!!!!!Okay but remember you asked for it.
The chicken crossed the street because,
Are you read for this???  Are you sure???
I know! I know!!
He enjoys Lowes better than Home Depot.
He's remodeling his crib, yo!
Okay here goes.
Cuz he was stuck to the farmer.  Remember you asked.
LMAO Okay, so, it's local news so y'all never heard it. But we have a renegade sheep rapist in our town. (I know, how "back woods" right?)
Anyway, they haven't caught him, and every now and then it's in the newspaper AGAIN. It's become a well known thing, and all the people who comment on the local paper online have to bring it up now and then. You know, just to remind everyone how redneck this place is.
Next time they bring it up, I think I'll post that joke for them. Ok, first I want to make it clear that I DO NOT watch this show, I just happened on it while I was flicking through.  So it's just at the end of the "Brett Micheal's House of Love"show and he's telling which girls get to stay on for another week.   So here's the question:
How do you A)  Keep a straight face while you ask someone to "stay in my house and rock
                         my world"?
                    B) Answer that question without laughing at the moron that asked it? 
You know you were watching that show. And LOVING IT! LOL
Abi Kitty has gone NUTZO! She is running through the house full speed and every so often she tries to miss hitting something in her way and she does not abort in time and she hits it. Like just a minute ago she ran into the leg of the dining room table trying to not run into the chair leg. Then she runs into the living room and leaps to the back of the couch and tries to climb the curtain.
Yeah... I think son has given her too much sugar LMAO! Sugar as in good kisses. And now she is trying to get his kiddie cooties off of her LMAO!
So... we went to McD's tonight. Son wanted McD's and he was kinda bummed his sissy was staying the night at a friends house. So... we took him to McD's and then to the NEW Home Depot that just opened up in the city. Son LOVES Home Depot. He reconizes their logo.
Say this for me.. Blimp Belly.
Now did you laugh when you said it or even crack a smile?
Ok... so we were sitting there and I was telling hubby about something I seen on TV and then he had this look. Then I said "what Blimp Belly?" Then he started laughing.
He just could not keep a straight face for anything if he or I said blimp belly.
Thanks to our daughter for that new "loving" name I have for hubby. LOL!
I told hubby daughter comes up with some good ones that we just claim and use as our own and asked him how she came up with it. He said he did not know, but it sure is a good one.
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