OT: I did't know it was lost | Arthritis Information


Ok... so I have been noticing all my FAVORITE shirts have been dwindling. Some are just in a drawer because they either it rides up or it has a stain on it.

I realized this the other night that my normal line of shirts I wore are no longer. I kept trying to think of where the good ones went to. Then I could not remember which ones I was missing.

I was in daughter's room helping her pack for her Bible Tournament she is going to. And then I opened one of her drawers..... I was like that looks like one of my shirts. I pulled it out... It was one of my shirts. I did not even notice I was missing that shirt and it was always 3rd on my favorite to wear mental list.
So now I am all happy to have one of my favorite shirts back in the mix. [QUOTE=wills08]Thank god I've got a son!!!
Yep, I wore my shirt today and Ahhhhhhhh.... how nice it is to have my missing shirt back.
Oh and I know for a fact that washers like panties. Mainly mine. I have had so many pairs of panties ripped to shreds.
One time my adult daughter was staying with us.  She had done a load of laundry, She comes carrying in her new wonder bra from Victoria Secret she looks' at me with this real serious face. And says to me I would like to know where the other half is !!!!!  She only had one half of the bra in her hand. I thought I was going to die laughing so hard.......hey nut, maybe your volleyball player can switch with a member of his/her team and have one sock one color, and one another color. That's what my son did in football. One sock was  white and one was blue to go along with the team colors.
Just a suggestion.

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