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A while back I dealt with costochodritis and as it was healing or whatever, I started having pains at the top of my neck to the point where I couldn't turn my head right/left or look down or lean back. I also started having sharp shooting pains at the top of my buttocks. All that stuff finally went away (with the exception of the neck pain. I still can't look all the way down.) So now I'm experiencing pain at the bottom of my ribcage on both sides. It almost feels like they're bruised or something. To make matters worse, I think I'm having bowel issues. I had the worse cramps the other day. However, I don't think "cramps" is the right word. It feels like someone is twisting my intestines or something and it's an excruciating pain. I really don't believe it's constipation as I've added Raisin Bran to my daily diet and drink tons of water. Things have been moving without traffic jams for a while now. My husband asked me if I could "feel a turd bumping corners," and I had to laugh at that which of course made me hurt more. Yesterday and today I've had the worst fatigue ever. I'm too damn tired to be in pain. Whoa is me! Hahaha...   *sigh*
LEV posted a thread by Dr. Mark and the part that caught my eye was, "There might be inflammation of the blood vessels supplying the intestines, resulting in abdominal pain."
I'm wondering if this is might be what I'm experiencing. I had the same pains towards the end of Dec, just not as bad. I'm definitely going to bring this up to my RD at my next appointment, but I was just wondering - has anyone else experienced this?? 
You can have ischemia and angina in the gut - similar to a heart attack.  But I think that is usually much more severe, especially right after eating. HEY! When was your last BM?
When I was taking the decongestant and antibiotics, my dumbass didn't pay attention and I hadn't pooed in 10 days. (HELLOO!!!!)
Once off the meds, my body went "woah!" and tried to purge. But it was too full. So I was sick as a dog with the same kinda pains you're talking about. And I thought for sure I was fine, because I was eating bran cereal and drinking water all day.
PPffftttt Meds win out every time. You know Flexeril can back you up. If you've been taking it every day for the neck stuff, it may have just caught up with you.
I have no idea what the point of my post was anymore. *sigh* If it comes to me, I'll come back..........(friggin brain fog....)
Jas, my rib pain seems to be worse after I eat. ??? I don't get the abdominal pains though. It seems they came out of nowhere and boy were they viscious! I'll have to google the things you mentioned.
Katie, I went yesterday. The day before that I went like 3 times. TMI??? lmao (Thank you to the makers of generic raisin bran. Woot!) I had gone already when it happened so I dunno...
I didn't know flexeril could back you up! I doubled up on my dosage the past couple of days. How come everything that makes you comfortable for a moment causes back end issues??? Geez...
The vicodin is far more likely to back up traffic than the flexeril. Hmmmmmmmmm.
I have no idea.
But I'm gonna say what pippy would say:
PROBIOTICS, PROBIOTICS, PROBIOTICS!!!! Oh I know, right?! Vicodin is a BM stealing devil. I don't think it caused my issue, but I'm probably wrong seeings how I'm not a doctor. Haha The vicodin I take is a low dose (200mg) and I hate taking it cause it turns me into chatty kathy and usually causes BM issues.
I'm going to see what my RD says about it, K-T. I also need to do some research so I can see if it will be something that will work well in my situation.  

There are a number of other things that could also cause this type of pain.

severe gas pains,

diverticulosis or diverticulitis

bladder spasms or bladder irritations

some kidney issues

female issues---ovarian cysts, etc.

plenty to think about, research, and run past your doctors.

All of these types of issues can cause pain that can be quite severe and come and go.For me, i get the same kind of pains often, but they are gas.  I have to take zantac 150 twice a day and prilosec.

irritable bowel can cause these pains too.

Have you noticed that this happens after eating any particular kinds of food? Have you noticed any type of pattern at all?Oh Man, Have I wanted to chime in with some funnies on this topic,
but will instead me nice and wish you a speedy recovering to your normal routine.

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