Poll: Ladies with Babies | Arthritis Information


Alright Ladies with babies!!

Specifically, ladies who had babies during RA - women who had the RA dx before having kids:
1. Before getting pregnant, did you have flares that correlated at all with your periods? Or PMS?
2. When you were pregnant, did you go into remission?
3. After the baby was born, did the RA come back stronger? The same? Less?
4. After the baby did you notice any correlation at all with your period? Or PMS?
Add anything else you think might be relevant! I can't think hard enough today so I probably forgot a good question somewhere. *sigh*
Sorry Katie, I cant help much as my kids were almost grown up before my arthritis started. But if you are thinking of starting a family, all the best. 1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Stronger.
4. No, not until after my 2nd child.
My children are also grown up; however, my RA seemed to be kick started after I had a miscarriage when my youngest was only seven (that was 14 years ago).  Always felt sad to have lost that baby and yet when the RA intruded, felt the Lord knew what He was doing.  My mother had RA which abated while she would be pregnant, only to return after the pregnancy.
Molly Bee
1. No, I don't think so
2. RA started with the 1st one and went into remission with the last 2, a couple of weeks into each pregnancy
3. Came back way worse, 2 weeks after they were born
4. No, I don't think so
Good questions.
Pain went away while prgenent and took almost 5 or 6 years after to come back.  I don't know if it was it, or the norplant i had in my arm for a year after she was born that kept it from coming back.  I was very very very horribly sick with the norplant for a year until it was taken out.  They said the hormone would stay up to 2yrs after it was out (now i hear the time is shorter, was a long time ago.
But, all in all, it was almost 6yrs of bliss.
It came back harder and with more spots.  Then about 5 years later was when i was hit with the big flair that tested for positive factor.  It was like it crept one joint at a time until it decided to criple me.
My flairs have always been much larger with my periods.  Now i take a shot every 3 months to try and keep the period away since it is the most horrible pain i have had.  My cramps literally hurt so much that sometimes i just fall to the floor, which is bad cuz i can't get myself back up.
My periods just got worse, never better.
bubbagump2008-02-16 19:00:58I had flares for no reason before--there was never a any real schedule to them.
My pregnancies sent my arthritis into remission but afterwards it came back much worse. My second and last pregnancy--it came back the worst---I am now disabled. And there still isn't really any schedule to my flares----but I do get worse in the rain and humidity. I also got fibro after my pregnancies which makes it alot harder.
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