Ra passed down? | Arthritis Information


I know this might have been asked before but I don't recall seeing it, how many of you have family members that also have Ra. I don't know of any in my family,just an nephew with Jra. My mother had it from the time she was 48 years old.  She lived to be 91 and, looking back, I don't know how she did everythig she did.  My RD says that my daughters will only have a 15% of getting it.  I have had it for a year and a half.

anniemax, wow your mom lived a long life. did she have a mild or severe case? I hope she didn't suffer a lot. thank god we now have meds for this.

Actually, I'm not sure how this would work with my fam.
I got the dx first, and at the youngest age (2yrs old) Then my momma got the dx of RA in her neck at about 40yrs. Then my grandpa got the DX a little while later (I think he was almost 70?)
So I have no idea what that would mean. Ya know?
That's crazy Katie, I thought this was a disease passed down! lol I'm in the same situation though with my nephew dx first! my nephew was 2 also.My GG (great gran) in Oz had it for 30 years. She also had an underactive thyroid.  No-one in my immediate family have either. My son has an underactive thyroid I just pray that I've not given him this too. My second cousin had RA does that count?My uncle had RA (dad's side)  I have the distinct honor of being the first.  Hope I'm not starting something.  Hate to be remembered as the one who let RA in.I have a cousin on my Mom's side that has RA and AS. When I got it 21 years ago we did not know anyone who had it in my family, but later I found out my dad's sister had it.  I am pretty sure my great aunt had it too on my dad's side.  My parents do not have it.  Now my older sister has RA and a 1st cousin has it.   I pray my children do not get this!My mother has it, my grandmother and great grandmother had it. Lupus also runs in my family. I couldn't be happier. Well, my uncle has has chrohn's and same with my grandma on the other side for years.
Last year, about 2 yrs after i was diagnosed, my father came down with RA of both hands.

We know of no one on either side of our family that had RA.  I am the first.  My sister was recently diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis.  I think we got gypped in the gene pool.  I sure hope none of this is passed on to our kids.

one of my sons has JRA---but no one before me had it.
just me and my son. my grandmother got OA much later in life though--no RA of any kind, certainly not JRA.
My aunt has psoriasis, which is an autoimmune disease---could be a connection there. they once tested me for psoriatic arthritis.
and my father had gout.My dad had Graves.  Right before he passed away, he was diagnosed with RA, though he never told anyone.  I saw it in his medical records after he passed.My mother had Ra back in the days when there was not the things to treat it as there is now . Her father had Ra later in his life . My father had RA when he was in his in his 30's and died of a heart attack at 46.  My mother's aunt had RA and lived to her 70's.
I often wonder about the role of RA in my dad's heart trouble. (Especially since reading the article which Blessed posted. )
That's all the family members with RA that I know about, anyway.
My mom's mom says she was diagnosed with Lupus, but she suffers from arthritis and I wonder if the lupus was a misdiagnosis or if she is just confused...her doctors now say RA..she is 83. My mom was diagnosed with JRA at age 9, she is now 63. She has never taken more than asprirn or ibuprofen. She does have some deformity to her fingers but she is very active. Her sister was diagnosed with RA about 10 years ago, in her hmmm...early to mid 40's. She was on MTX but decided to stop taking it and seems to be doing okay for now. My moms first cousin was diagnosed with MS about 15 years ago in her mid 40s.  I was diagnosed at 31 although my symptoms showed up in my mid 20s..I just figured I would be like mom and take motrin...untill it got really bad.
I have chronic hives and eczema that started about 5 years ago, my sister in law has severe psoriosis and my daughter has psoriosis in her ear canals..weird right? But with the psoriasis being auto immune and my daughter having that from my DHs side and all the arthritis and auto immune stuff on my side, I have concerns about her risk of RA in the future.
Nothing we can do about it anyways though....
thanks for all replies, it is very interesting to hear everyone's story. my sister also suffers with mild psoriosis. My material grandfather had RA that flared up at 40.  My mom has lupus and fibro that was diagnosied around 40.  I have JRA/RA and fibro that started in my childhood.  Now that I am closing in on 40, my RA has gotten out of control so I guess I am following the family trend.My two older sisters have RA and one has OA, too. I have RA, OA, Sjogren's, fibro.
My oldest sister, age 68, has had RA since 21 years old. Her hands and feet are very deformed, but she worked in an office until she was 64, typing, filing, computer, etc. I don't know how she did it, as she cannot button her own clothes. I might have mentioned before that she has not seen a doctor in 40 years. We don't know why and she won't talk about it. But it kills me that she has suffered all these years. They could have done something to ease the pain, I'm sure.
The other oldest sister wasn't diagnosed until late 50's, and is now 64. Her hands, feet, knees, shoulders have been effected.
I suspect my Mom had it also, to a lesser degree.
My doctor says my health problems are complex and that I was born with bad genes
I just happened to think...my 18 year old granddaughter has psoriasis which flares up very badly at times. Could this be related to auto-immune disease?
Nini2008-02-18 13:36:35My dads sister has it-my aunt ( she is 80) she has had it for 40 years and is in a  wheelchair but no other family member has it. Aw Nini. :( That's how my mom's gonna be, I just know it. She's so stubborn. She has RA in her neck, and only takes Ibu. She just doesn't think she "needs" anything else. But then I hear about how she's stuck in a cycle of insomnia because she can't lay on her neck a certian way. She's constantly sleeping in the recliner. Drives me CRAZY!!
And about yoru g-daughter....I'd keep an eye on her!!! KWIM?? I think with your family history, she's pretty likely to get something else. Perhaps PA? She's already got the P!
I was diagnosed at 25.  As far as I know no one in my family had it.  However, both my Mom (who passed away at 79) and my Dad (who passed away at 88) had osteoarthritis for years.  (I'm an only child.) 
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