mri & bone scan ordered by my dr | Arthritis Information


has anyone else had these exams done and if so what was it like? i'm nervous, scared of the results and dont know if i can go thru with them. a part of me wants to know how my body is doing and another part of me doesnt want to know.  he put me on mobic in addition to my humira so i'll see how that works.


Hi Lisa!

Well, i only had the bone scan done and it was a piece of cake! You just lay on a table kinda like an x-ray table and they pull this what it looks like an x-ray machine over your body.

As for the results, I do not think my RD told me what mine were...yeah she

Maybe others will have more info on it for ya.

Hi Lisa,  I had them all.  No pain whatsoever.  I say, it is better to know what you are dealing with.  Don't let it stress you out.  It was a piece of cake

Lisa, I've had both of these done and they are painless.  Believe me, the sooner you know if there is any damage that has already been done, the better, as this will also be a determining factor as to what meds to start you on. 



I knew when I mentioned cake ya'll would come running with your tounges hanging

Like they said, Lisa, they are painless and no need for worries. If ya still have concerns feel free to ask. Many will answer. I am just not one with much of a memory for my own tests that were done years ago.

Hope everything turns out better then expected!