Who All Took/Takes Imuran? | Arthritis Information


I was wondering who all has taken or is taking Imuran. Because I have a few questions for ya.

1. Have you been DXed with Raynaud's Disease?
2. What dose?
3. How long?

1. Not diagnosed with Raynaud's Disease.
2. 150 mg a day, taken as 100 mg in the morning and 50 mg at night
3. Not sure, guessing about six months?
Thanks for the reply. I am guessing we are the only ones on Imuran.

I take Imuran and have for quite a few years now. I take a total of 200 mg. 100 mg twice a day.

Have not been diagnosed with raynauds.

Thanks for the reply Rheumy.
Do your hands/feet get really cold?
I take 150 mg of immuran. 50 mg at each meal. I have Raynauds, but did not think it helped with that. My Raynauds has improved since starting a blood pressure med. but still hands are always cold. I have been on immuran a year. Not sure it is working any more. No firm dx yet either.

My feet do get very very cold at times, but my hands don't seem to have a problem.Hummm... well Raynaud's can effect any part of extremities.
Yeah, this frozen hand thing is new to me. I use to have hands that would sweat even if they were cold, but now my hands do not sweat.
They just get really really cold to the point of feeling like they were out in the snow and they shrivel up. I do not really have the classic white or blue color when they are cold, but I can make my semi-fist and my knuckles will be white and you can see some blue and veins.
Joonie my hands and feet get that way.  It has gotten real bad last winter and this winter.  I can no longer go shopping without glove.  It has been to the point I have needed gloves in the house.
Then when they get that cold the pain is horrible.  I have been known to actually cry from the cold and pain.   Only thing my doc said is if you smoke don't.  That's about all the help there is for that.  :(
Well... I do not smoke. So your doc really wouldn't have helped me any
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have been dx'd with raynaud's
can't remember the dose of imuran I was on, but I was taken off it after about 6mo due to tummy problems

ooowww... very helpful reply you have there, owiemom!!

Do you still have Raynaud's?
Hi Joonie,
I took it but, as usual became allergic so I only lasted a month.  I have not been diagnosed w/Raynauds, but I now have to sleep w/gloves and socks, guess I should talk to Rheumy.

Thanks for the reply, Crispy! How are you doing?

Yeah... you might want to talk to Rheumy about having to wear full gear to bed
Hope you are doing well.
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