10 lbs. in 2 days??? | Arthritis Information


Hey there! I recently
my prednisone to 15mg for a bad flare..and of
course gained weight again (not that I have lost
much previously!!) Can't fit in to many of my clothes
, and I promised myself I would not by a larger

I am going to visit my dad this weekend and he
always worries about my weight. So my question is
this: anyone have a good plan for losing 10 lbs. in 2
days?????? (More for me than my dad) I would be
SO happy.   

Happy all most Friday!!

Tara L38595.9260416667Cut back on sugar, salt, and breads and drink lots of water. That might help with bloat. I do not know much about losing weight as you can tell from my "air filled" junk food posts...hehehe


Joonie is right. Lots of water and fruits and veggies.

not bread or pasta.  10 pounds in 2 days is a toughy.

Just wear baggy clothes, stand tall and have a pumkin!!

  Great tips guys!! Off to get pumpkins   

I've recently come off a short course of predisone and I feel like I ate everything in site!! My clothes fit; but are so uncomfortable!! I can't stand it...and they don't look right either.

I'm going this weekend to get some things I can breath in!! Hopefully I'll drop this extra weight now that I'm off the predisone; but I feel like I still have that appitite. Hopefully that too will pass soon. I'm not use to this...and don't like it!!

Good Luck to you; report back to us if you find a good way to drop it fast.

I'm disapointed, went from 20mgs in January, gradually down  to 5 now and I haven't lost any 

Have any of you tried Weight Watchers? Its a GREAT program! Before i got sick with RA I joined just to support a friend and ended up losing 40 pounds


You can also try to eat tuna fish- a friend of mine who is a weight lifter always would go on his tunafish diet- he would eat tuna fish and vegies and lots of water- It worked for him.....

guys i would be really carefull before you start going on any diet.  I would call your doctor first with all the meds that you all are taking its better to be safe!

Thanks everyone!!  Sheila, I know what you mean about staying away from your parents. I am 5'1" and in my 20's & 30's I was 115-140.  But after my neck surgery I started gaining, then with depression and divorce gained more.  So for the past few years I'v been aroun 195 (that's alot for a shorty like me).  Every time I visited my dad he always expressed lots of concern about my weight...which I can understand, but just dealing with depression, finances, etc.  Anyway, got down to 190 then started with pred and lost another 5 lbs (I think because I could move again

But just going to try to deal with it as I need to visit him.  Think I may have to buy some new clothes because can't breathe and totally uncomfortable.  I can't stick to a diet..so I just eat what I want. Don't really eat much food, it's the junk food that gets me.  me too, Murphette, me too. Junk food is my down fall. And just think when I was a kid junk food was not even on my menu...lol. I did not eat candy or even candy bars until I was 8yrs old. Just nenver wanted them...plus the docs told my mom sugar is what made me hyper...lol. And told her since the only sugar i ate was in ketchup to cut out ketchup...lol...ever since then I do not eat ketchup...do not like the taste of it, now.I've been on a very healthy eating plan for about the past year. Last year, I realized I was killing myself with the crap I ate. I had to make a serious effort to take care of myself. So much of it was just mental. Once you get serious about getting healthy, you can do it! It may take some support...it may take drastic measures, but it is SO worth it! I can't believe the things I used to eat. They now disgust me. I feel so much better now that I eat well. You are worth it! Find a way to take care of yourself regarding food. You'll be so glad you did! Love and hugs to all of you.

Hey the weight thing is just like RA. Don't let it make you stay home and hide, especially from loved ones.

I'm fat (obese actually) too. Wish I weren't. Really hard to excercize enough, and eating is sooooo much fun. Love that chocolate ice cream.

I've set a little goal of 2 pounds a month...in 3 years I'll only be chubbieI only need to lose 20lbs to be where I should be....I know I'll never be what I was (115lbs) Can't imagine that weight anymore...I think I was too thin then.

Me too, Murphetter, me too. I was 118lbs @ 5'2" and now  I am 145.

I am such an oinker

I am going through the turning 50 dillema.  Men turn fifty and they are considered more attractive and age with dignity.  Woman turn 50 and people feel sorry for you because you don't look 30 and you get less respect.  ("Oh my she has aged

It is just ridiculous.  I just want to be a healthy 50.  I like to keep my weight down because I can be more active.  I could never lose weight for someone else.  You have to do it for yourself. 

I always love your gentle hugs Juliah.  They are so heart felt. 

I used to have weight issues that centered around many things....but none were around HEALTH! I wanted to be the thinnest in the room, I wanted to wear a size 3, I wanted to have the ultra skinny models figure, but none were centered on health. My body image has changed SO much over the past few years. Now that I really know what POOR health is....I strive to be the healthiest I can be and try to make choices centered around HEALTH. I still eat ice cream from time to time, I still sometimes have that extra slice of cake...but for the most part, I try to make good choices about what I put into my body. I'm fortunate in that I LOVE vegeatables, whole grains, etc, so it is not a "punishment" for me to eat healthy. I no longer can even stand most snack foods (chips, cookies, etc) but if something does appeal to me, I will go for it (just not the whole container of ice cream, LOL). I have started reading a bit more on the basics of nutrition and realize I don't have to be a nutritionist to know that eating cake for breakfast is not the same as eating a bowl of grape nuts. And you know what? Grape Nuts are GOOD! I used to live on 90 - 95% processed foods. Now, it's down to about 5% - 10% of processed stuff. An apple feels a lot better than a bag of cheetos. I feel sick now when I put crap into my body. I honestly used to eat a bag of candy swedish fish for lunch. How disgusting is THAT?

I've started trying to exercise more. I used to be very active and over the past several years, as my health declined, I became more sedentary. These days, I go bike riding with my husband and son several times a week and get into the pool 3 or 4 days a week. Not much, but every bit helps. I feel better being active. Are you still hiking????? How is that going for you? Anyhow, better run, it's snack time for me (grapes..yummy!). 

love and hugs, juliah 


    mmmm I love grape nuts and we found that we

    love to have them with frozen grapes in them......

    that is one of our favorite treats!

     thanks for reminding me

I can't hike right now I'm learning to adjust to being 20lbs overweight and 46   If I can lose the 20lbs fine...if not I'm not going back to the state I was in before I gave birth to our son. I was 106 lbs 5'7 looking in the mirror with a sweat shirt on thinking I'm fat. I adjusted my mind to turn off food by picturing icky things in it and it got so bad I'd take a bite of sandwich and be full. I NEVER ate a whole candy bar...it had to last me a couple or 3 days. My huband threatened to take me in for counciling so I fooled him into thinking I was eating ...later making myself throwup and taking water pills and stuff.

Then I got pregnant and learned to deal with it. I did lose all the pregnant weight but after I got RA I gained weight on the meds. Oh well, I don't eat much food now, it's just the piece of cake, fries,  onion rings, BLT or donut that gets me.  Sad thing is I know what NOT to eat, but I don't like veggies that much and I hate seafood.  I go to the gym and walk...I just need to dicipline myself and I will..every Monday  Oh Murphette.  Please keep eating.  5'7 at 106 is sooooooo SKINNY.  I am 5'8 at 145.  Exercise is the best way to keep weight off and it can be fun.  I avoid junk food but then I love healthy food.  Even these sugar cravings I have been having, I avoid processing and high fat.  There are sensible ways to maintain your weight.  What I am depressed about is I am losing my muscle.  The rd recommended weight training but I just don't feel up to it.  I hope soon with Enbrel.  I am about ten pounds over my normal weight I am small boned.  I can deal with that but I want my muscle tone back.  I feel weak.  What about fruit?  Do you like fruit - yogart?  I try to keep good foods in fridge for alternatives and I have no energy to go buy the junk food!  I honestly want to look and feel healthy.  Not skinny.  Lets just get strong and healthy

Well that's all, just could relate to your post and wanted to say so. Oh yeah, me too every monday

Hi guys-what great inspiring posts! And Juliah thank
you so much for the perspective. I do know how
important it is to exercise and be healthy-and that is
my hearts desire. Even though I should really weight
80 lbs. less I will be satisfied with 50 for now...so
trying to focus on 10 at a time. I have been suffering
with depression for a few years so kind of 'gave up'
on my walking, aerobics and stuff and now I'm
paying for it   I have to find ways to exercise that I can
do even in pain...like walking. Also I've figured out
that I tend to overeat when stressed and when in
pain. Sometimes at work if I'm hurting really bad, but
need to get through the rest of the day I've noticed I
grab something sweet to eat to take my mind off the
pain. But not trying to make excuses. And you guys
will think I'm nuts, but I used to wish I could be
anorexic-awful, huh! But lately I've been trying to take
better care of my self as far as how I look...doing
makeup, dressing nicer, etc., and it does make me
feel better.

Bless you all for sharing your stories!!   

Tara......if your'e feeling depressed, it can make weight loss seem impossible. Are you dealing with the depression now? I see you are on welbutrin. Is it helping? Is there something you can commit to doing when you are stressed or in pain to take the place of eating? Maybe substititing the work vending machine for some grapes and a diet soda or tea....and turn on some music that either relaxes you or pumps you up for whatever activity you must face. Sometimes it is just changing scenery or changing perspective. Keep it up with the good self-care stuff like makeup, etc. You deserve to feel good about yourself. I don't think you're crazy for having periods where you wanted to be anorexic. I think that many people who have never actually BEEN anorexic wish for "just a taste of it". Unfortunately, it is such and all or nothing disease that you can't get it just a little. It robs you of your life. I used to think that being 102 lbs (I'm 6' tall) would make me happy. I was never more miserable in my LIFE when I was that weight. I think that the pain of being morbidly obese and anorexic is much the same. I am in the process of writing a paper on the issue......dealing with treatment issues for compulsive overeaters and anorexics...and how the same treatment modalities apply to both. Anyhow, take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing with the depression. Love and gentle hugs, JuliahRoxy, I found that I love fruit with Marzetti's French Vanilla yogurt. It has no fat in it and makes the fruit taste great.   Usually when I stick to it  I'm on a  low/no fat diet.

Pam, no gym or diet this Monday, it's Labor day and BBq ...it will have to wait til Tuesday



                   Oh yeah

              tuesday is an odd day to start a diet

               hmmmm Ok so we push it back to the first Monday after this Tuesday
Well I went grocery shopping and stocked up on
fruits, vegetables, and water and stuff. Getting ready
for a bowl of strawberries now.   

Thanks Juliah (and everyone else) for all of your
insight and encouragement. Been re-reading it and
it will help keep me focused.

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