JOONIE!!!!! | Arthritis Information


Please check in with us!!!! I don't remember where in AL you live, but I know that a few places just got the snot beat out of them with tornados. We've just been barely missed. The next county over was also slammed.

Just wanna make sure you made it out alright!
Her myspace just says "a small city" but her highschool shows Rockford, AL. Did she stay in that town or move??
She stayed close as far as I know.....Im googling it now!,+AL,+United+States+of+America&sa=X&oi=map&ct=image
Prattville, AL - right outside of Montgomery is who just got hit. I think she's far enough away. She is getting nasty storms though, she's just a stright shot north of me. Maybe she lost power?

I'm thinking she probably lost power or internet services at the least. I didn't realize you were in the FL panhandle. Are your storms real bad right now?

Just SUPER SUPER SUPER windy. Our damn automatic doors wont stay closed, so we've almost lost a glass table, and several plants. LOL
In the next county over they had 4 homes hit by a tornado. If we get anything right HERE, it'll probably be a water spout. That's usually how it goes.
I'm impressed that we still have power. The power lines themselves are all over the place. I have no idea how the transformers are holding up!
Do you get workman's comp if one of those plants hits you? ;)
I checked and it only shows a tornado watch for the panhandle. It didn't even show the tornado warning for AL. You'd probably get more accurate weather from one of your local stations.
Yeah I wish we had a TV up here. Our local newspaper is doing a CRAP job of keeping online stuff up to date right now. They've started slacking ALOT lately.
I gotta find our local tv stations website...hmmm......
That's the thing, I dont' think anyone ever GOT a tornado warning. KWIM?
I am alright guys! Thanks for worrying about me. I was alseep when the phone just kept ringing. It was SIL calling to tell us we were in the line of a possible tornado. And she kept calling to see if her daughter was back from church yet.
We were one of the towns that had to "take cover" and the near by cities tornado warning sirens went off.
It was raining and then it stopped all of a sudden and it got really really windy and I of course started to freak. So I went into the bathroom, supposedly the safest place in our house. We stayed in there for about 10 mins and then it started raining hard again. It just went pass us.
In-laws called on there way home and said trees were down and on the 4-lane highway. They got home they did not have power. We had power, but they live a mile away from us and on a different power company.
Yeah... tornados are driving me nutzo! We are suppose to get tornados in the spring/summer time not the winter time! And now they keep coming across where we live, which they were no where near coming our way before.
I know! This February tornado crap has GOT to stop!!!!
Glad you missed it all! We got lucky too. :)
Yeah, I know. It use to be if you lived anywhere near Carbon Hill, you had a very good chance of being hit by a tornado, but with this winter tornados they are not getting them. Which really is just plain weird!
Thanks guys. I went back to sleep after we were put in tornado watch, I will not go to sleep if we are in tornado warning. Just can't bring myself to go to sleep.
The whole time I was looking up your town, I'm looking in the back offices going "now where's the BEST spot to sit...."
Glad everyone made it through this storm with out any damage!