Liver enzymes elevated | Arthritis Information


WEll, I heard from RD about my liver enzymes, and they are still elevated despite lowering MTX and being off biologics.  I was waiting to hear some good news so I could add Arava. 

WEll, I am on day four of no DMARDS at all...oh boy howdy....I am crazy miserable, and I have at least two more weeks.  When will my nightmare end. 
No word on at this point it will just be the MTX and nothing else(when my liver settles).  Hopefully they are in the middle of studies on the Orencia and Rituxan and it will just be a matter of a few months before they are approved for PA and the insurance will cover them.  Until then, I wonder how much swelling can a person have in their joints without them blowing up? 
Go get some Milk Thistle. I took it and my liver Enzymes loweredOh no Shelly.  I hope you can find something to help in the meantime.Milk Thistle!
And have you tried Minocin?

My blood work is always good and I believe milk thistle may be the reason.   Years ago I was on Accutane for acne (two different times) and had to stop because of liver problems so I know I don't have an iron liver that can take any kind of abuse.  I never took milk thistle then and I wonder if that's the difference this time.  My RD doesn't have any faith in it but I take it anyway and so far so good.

Ouch, ouch, I can just feel how much pain you must be in being off most of your meds.  Amazing how quickly the symptoms come back isn't it?  I would think that since it takes weeks or months for many of them to kick in, it would last a bit longer in the body when we stop them, but no.  There's no grace period it seems.  I hope you get some relief soon. 

Sorry to heart that, i hope you start healing soon.I am sorry, shelly. I hope your enzymes go down real soon.
Much hugs!
 Hugs Shelly