Pregnancy and RA | Arthritis Information


Hey everyone-

This is my first post on this website, but I'm hoping some fellow RA lifers can give me some insight into this subject.

I was diagnosed with JRA when I was 2 years old.  Then and now, my two biggest problems are my hips and knees.  I was pretty lucky and spent most of my teens in remission (allowing some sort of normal life!).  Currently, I'm in my mid twenties, and my husband and I are considering starting a family.  When I was younger, I was told that I should never have children because of my RA.  I have been reading things online for the past several months, and the majority of what I'm reading says that RA shouldn't stop anyone from having kids.  There are of course risks that your RA will get worse after childbirth, but then again, it could get worse tomorrow for no reason!

I am looking for some real life stories/advice from women who have RA and how pregnancy affected it before and after childbirth. 

I am meeting with my doctors in the next several months to discuss this topic, but I'd like some real life opinions on this.

Thanks a ton!
My symptoms didnt show up untill after my second child was born, but my mom was diagnosed with JRA at age 9. She is a very petite woman and she had my brother and sister 10mos apart with no problems. I was born 11 years later and she did say that her ra was worse in her 30s than at any other time, which would have been in the years immediately following my birth..(sorry mom!) But....she is now in her 60s and still incredibly active.  All that said...she spent her whole life living in the south except in her 30s when we lived in PA and OH. So maybe that also was a reason for her RA being worse..she is a very cold natured person.

I would have to say that if I hadnt started my family yet, I wouldnt let RA stop me. You could...or anyone could also have a child that is born with severe disabiliities or diseases but that doesnt discourage people either...There is a time to be cautious..and a time to put the what ifs behind you and worry about them when and if they come. I think that if you really want children you should have them.
If you are really concerned though, adoption would be another route. Good homes are always in need.
I was dx when I was 5 but my parents knew something was up when I was 18 months old..  My first daughter was born when I was 21 and I had a bad flare up about 2 weeks after she was born, but it was calm during pregnancy.  I had twins about 4 1/2 years later and same thing, was gone during pregnancy then had bad flare up about 2 weeks after.  Then had a son 2 years after the twins, same story.  I was home with each of them and was able to take care of the twins on my own, until great hubby came home to help.

All that being said, I have a fantastic rheumy and we were able to get things under control quickly.  I live a very busy life and my kids keep me going in every direction and I wouldn't have it any other way!  Currently, my kids are 14, 9, and soon to be 7.  I have found myself getting bored at home now that they are all in school, so I have gotten a job at the school district as a teachers's aide substitute.  I can work as much or as little as I want.  If I'm having a day that isn't so good for me, I don't work that day.  It is absolutly perfect for me!!

Looking back, I would do it again in a heartbeat!  My kids are the light of my life and without them, I'd have such a boring life!!!  It is comedy central here and they keep me laughing all the time!

Is it worth the flare ups??  TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!  I see my beautiful daugher growing up and making great decisions, and my younger ones developing their personalities!  It has been so gratifying!

I hope you don't hold this disease as your excuse to not have kids.  If you want them, have them!  It will be horrible as you get older saying, "What if.....".  I have a few of those and they are not fun. 

Philippians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who strenghthens me."
It says ALL things, not just a few things, but ALL things.  This passage has helped me through a lot!
I had JRA in my childhood that has transitioned to RA since I am no longer a Juvenile .
I had twins almost seven years ago.  I would not let RA stop you from having kids if you want them.  My dh and I had planned to start trying after we had been married 5 years and were settled down.  However, I was in a bad flare so I waited a couple of years until my RA calmed down.  I did pretty good while we were trying to get pregnant.  Due to some fertility issues, it took me almost two years to get pregnant.  I did fantastic during the pregnancy and did not really flare until the twins were almost a year old.  I breast feed until the kids were a little of a year old so I only took nsaids and no modifiers when they were really little.
Two of my worse joints up till now where my knees and hips.  Now, I am in a wide spread flare with every joint involved.  If you and your hubby want kids and are ready for them, I won't let your RA stop you one bit.  Just make sure you have not been on methotraxate or avaria for at least several months before you start your baby dancing.
