2 Weeks, Dr Finally Called | Arthritis Information


2 weeks go by as usual (other doctor does same tests with results in 3 days).

Rhummy assistant calls (the rude one) and says that my results are in and my liver is fine but my sed rate is still too high (duh, i'm only on 10mg arava and in the 2nd or 3rd month).
But, cuz of prednisone for about 3yrs, i now i have to get a bone density scan done.  I hope i don't forget lol.  Nothing is scheduled, i have to do it on my own at the hospital.
My new probiotic came in with the right bacteria this time, so ihope it helps with the BV.
That's all for today, just happy they finally called.

When do they expect your sed rate to go down? Does he want to up your dose?


Good luck on the density test!!!!!

She said she was going to up it if i didn't have problems with the drug, but when i asked she said no.
I assume she is going to give me multiple months on it and then up it if there is no reaction.
For some reason they thought it might have gone down a little already.  I do see some down though.  My right elbow almost can be streight which is a first.
I really hate this disease.
But if your rate is still high, and you have swelling...............then you're going to end up with damage..........
I don't understand why she's not upping it. Sorry to be a pest!!!!
I had a bone density scan with my last RD a month before I changed RDs. I do not even know what the results for that was. Or the other one I got 7 years ago LOL!
I know I have decreased bone density in my hands, you can see it. Plus I learned that from a report of x-rays old RD done about 3 years ago. It is due to pred usage, and here I am still on the pred.
Much Hugs!!
I just had a bone density test after Prednisone for five months, then another 7 months before the scan, and was diagnosed with osteo.  I was not surpised. justsaynoemore2008-02-18 16:32:29Yah, odd.  One doctor treats patients with pred and says for the damage to occur, they have been 7 yrs or more with no damage.  Then people get it quickly.
They won't let me take more than 5mg pred, 10mg almost gets rid of everything.  I kept thinking that they can't fix me, so why not up the pred until they find a way to fix me so i don't get damage in the joints.
Because your body will get use to the dose over time and then it will have to be upped for you to find relief again. It is like with other meds we take, our bodies become use to it over time.
I know... 5mg does not for me, but when I first started taking the 5mg it helped me to a certain extent, but over time I was upped to 15mg once I finally got to see an RD and now I am on 10mg and it does not work as well as the 15mg but, RD will not let me go pass 10mg.
Oh and I could be wrong, but that is how I have viewed it with my own usage of pred.
joonie2008-02-19 01:24:33Bubba -
You're the person with dairy allergies, right?
Check this out -

Clinical Indications for Probiotics: An Overview

B. R. Goldin and

S. L. Gorbach

Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts

Probiotic bacteria are used to treat or prevent a broad range of human diseases, conditions, and syndromes. In addition, there are areas of medical use that have been proposed for future probiotic applications. Randomized double-blind studies have provided evidence of probiotic effectiveness for the treatment and prevention of acute diarrhea and antibiotic-induced diarrhea, as well as for the prevention of cow milk–induced food allergy in infants and young children. Research studies have also provided evidence of effectiveness for the prevention of traveler’s diarrhea, relapsing Clostridium difficile–induced colitis, and urinary tract infections. There are also studies indicating that probiotics may be useful for prevention of respiratory infections in children, dental caries, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. Areas of future interest for the application of probiotics include colon and bladder cancers, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The probiotics with the greatest number of proven benefits are Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG and Saccharomyces boulardii.
P.S.  The Saccharomyces boulardii isn't doing much for me.
i'm feeling pretty darn good today, I know it's the probiotics.  I shouldn't have stopped taking them when i did, now i know it's a drug for this disease that i need to take.
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