Right Hip still trying to figure it out | Arthritis Information


I made a post asking about tendonitis. My Rd told me that if the neclear bone scan did not show much wrong with my hip, meaning replacement, that it is probably tendonitis.

I have just been trying to figure out what is wrong with it, because I do not think there is something as major as me needing a hip replacement. But then again... I did not think my left elbow was broke
I still can feel this tight muscle in my thigh all the way up to my hip. It does not hurt, but it is tight and you can feel it thru the skin. I do have decreased ROM in my right leg, which use to be my good leg. Now my left leg, use to be bad leg since being a kid, is my good leg and ROM is much more than my right.
I went to google and typed in "tight muscle" and it came up with:

"A contracture is a tightening of muscle, tendons, ligaments, or skin that prevents normal movement."

That really sounds more like my right elbow, but it possibly could be what is wrong with my right leg now. I think when I walked on my right leg when it was severely swelled and non-stop swelling at the time really messed up something. Yeah... I know... I should not have been so stubborn, and rode the electric carts, but man... I just wanted to do the things I wanted to do and not let RA take something else away from me, which was walking on my own.
It possibly could be tendonitis, because I do have a significant length difference in my left leg than I do my right, which I put more weight on my right leg and use it more often. Which is why my right knee has very little cartliage left in it.
Oh and I was also asking about tendonitis, because my left ankle is really bothering me, but it feels like something "stretching" toward the Archilles tendon, and it really is painful at times espeically when I walk for more than 15 mins. Plus my left ankle is having very limited ROM and gets stuck in one position and then it is a bitch to get it out of that position.
Well... thanks for listening if you read this post. I just needed to get all of this off my chest and my hubby really does not care to hear it, as I bet some of you do not either, but TUFF... I do not have to live with you I don't mind listening Joonie...I just wish I could help.
Remember when I did the split out in the yard with flip flops on? Well it pulled the muscles and I had nerve damage. I ended up hurting in my other leg because I favored the bad leg so much. A Lose lose situation.
I get the tendonitis in my hip and down the back of my ankle that feels like the muscle has been shortened by half. I also get bursitis in the hip which is more like an electric shock feeling deep inside the hip that shoots down the leg. similar to sciatica but the doc said you can feel it when the bursa is inflamed. When people hear we have arthritis they think pain only in the joints... I WISH.. I think all these muscle, tendon pains we get can be worse than anything.sounds you would really benefit from some physical therapy.  have you talked with your doctor about thatNo, have not talked with a doctor about it. I really HATE and do not have time for "Pain & Torture"
i undersand the difficulties of getting there but there also comes a time when you have to start putting getting healthy above anything else.  You have issues that can not and will not be resolved by medication alone.  What good is it to have no flares if you are such poor physical condition that you can't function.  You have on going soft tissues problems,  serious loss of range of motion both of which will get worse without intervention.  And Joonie that intervention has to include physical therapy until you can do it on your own.  You can't right now.
Its easy to come up with the excuses.  People put you off cause you don't want to go and welcome the excuse to cancel.  But if you want to avoid a wheelchair you need to start thinking about it
No, it is just that everyone works and they do not have the time to take me where I need to go. I only have In-Laws and my oldest sister to take me where I need to go. Both of them work odd hours. I mean I even have a hard time getting someone to take me to town, 7 mins away, when I need to go somewhere important. It is that I just do not fit into their schedules.
That is another reason why I wanted to get my license, so I can do the things I need to do and not worry about if I will not be able to make.

How I get to Remicade appts is risking my hubby getting fired. So... we are just waiting for when that happens. But that IS the only way I would be able to get up there to get my Remicade. So... risking losing insurance and our only source of income.

have you looked into any medical transportation services?  what services are available to you..speak to your case worker.
I know I'm nagging
Yes, I have looked into medical transportation and no it is not available in my area. We live too far out. I would still have to deal with my 3 year old, who well... does not listen to mommy all to well.

Joonie, I know you are hurting, and how difficult it is move, but that old adage move it or lose it may be coming to play here.  The less you use your tendons and muscles, the stiffer and tighter they get, and it's like dominoes.  As Mona said, as we compensate for one pain, we cause another.  Buckeye's advice is very good.  Even though it would be difficult to get to Physical Therapy, perhaps if you went a couple of times they could teach you some things you can do on your own at home.  Be open and honest with them about your situation, and they should work with you.  Perhaps something as simple as putting your son in a stroller and taking him for short walks around your neighborhood or yard would be beneficial.  The stroller would be kind of like a walker to help you balance, and it would get you out moving those muscles.

My right hip is completely gone, beyond ready for replacement.  I have developed bone spurs and cysts.  My right knee is also a major issue.  Now the left side is going the same way.  I really do know how much it can hurt to move, but we both have to keep doing it.  The muscles and tendons support the joints, and if they go to heck we will be really in trouble. 
I know. That is why I try my hardest to get out and go places. But lately I have not felt up to go anywhere, because when we go somewhere we spend money, and it is money we do not have. Even if it is to the park to let the kids play we still spend money on drinks and/or gas.
I wish our town would hurry up and make a town hall and community center like they talked about a few years back, but they have not... it would greatly help me if they did because it is an old school they want to conform to that and I can go there and do walking.
Walking around your house, neighborhood, etc. doesn't cost money.  Also, regarding transportation, do they have busses or cabs in your area?  I am sure cabs would be expensive, but spending money on a cab to get to your remicade appt vs. getting your husband fired would be money well spent.
As far as Physical Therapy.  Unless you are ready to make the commitment and finding a way to get there, it's not worth it for everyone involved.  Not a popular answer, but I'm an office mgr. for a physical therapy office and it is very frustrating when someone cancels last minute.  We have to pay the therapist to sit there and do nothing because a patient cancels with less than 24 hrs. notice.  We have always had a policy of charging for a cancelled appt with less than 24 hrs. notice or for a "no show".  My boss never tried to collect this.  I do.  Not only have I collected a few thousand dollars for those visits but an interesting fact...I had many patients that cancelled many appts, once it started hitting their pocketbook they no longer do that.
Also, if someone truly wakes up and calls to cancel on short notice if they are sick or has an emergency I would never charge them, but canceling for other reasons without proper notice goes beyond rude and selfish.

Joonie are you elgible for any sort of home health care?

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