Hammer Toe & RA | Arthritis Information


Does anyone else, other than me have one of these?

I have one on my right foot, had it since I was a kid. It does not bother me, but makes buying shoes a hard thing to do, because the top of the shoe will rub that toe and it is very uncomfortable or rubs a sore on it.

The most common symptoms of RA in the foot are pain, swelling, and stiffness. Symptoms usually appear in several joints on both feet. You may feel pain in the joint or in the sole or ball of your foot. The joint may be warm and the way you walk may be affected. You may develop corns or bunions, and your toes can begin to curl and stiffen in positions called claw toe or hammer toe. <--- that is my right foot

If your hindfoot (back of the foot) and ankle are affected, the bones may shift position in the joints. This can cause the long arch on the bottom of your foot to collapse (flatfoot), resulting in pain and difficulty walking. <---- that is my left foot

joonie2008-02-18 23:04:38My SIL has hammer toes...she's had surgery to help hers...they broke the bone and took out a small piece, then splinted them. They're like 3 inches long.Joonie, I have very bad hammer toes on every toe. It is terrible. Every pair of shoe that I have rubs on the tops of my toes.
I wonder what the recovery for that surgery is. Moana do you know? And why are her toes 3 inches long????
Joonie, I have had a hammer toe for many years, my feet are really affected from RA this last time I saw RD he looked at my feet and told me thinks I will get more hammertoes if I don't move up on the meds. I am starting Remicade 3-13. hopefully that will help. I hope you are feeling better and will be getting a higher dose soon. JanI have a hammer toe as well....doesn't bother me at all though.I have hammer toes on both my feet.  The big toe on my left foot is three times the normal size.  This after surgery to correct my hammertoes.  I have had screws in my toes in my left foot and pins in my right foot.  They all came out and I am no better off than I was.  My RD told me that I have had RA in my feet for years and nobody picked up on it, so all that surgery was for naught.  I now have what I call my "clown" shoes and orthotics.  They are black, ugly, orthopedic shoes.  Cost a fortune and are comfortable, but I can't wear my regular shoes and I am a shoe nut.  I used to go in DSW shoes and spend half the day trying on shoes only to come out empty handed and with aching feet. 
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