Glucosamine no better than placebo 4 hip | Arthritis Information

Share bubbagump2008-02-19 00:16:36My RD doctor would agree with that.  When I asked him about Gluc/Chon. he said don't bother, so I stopped taking it once the RA drugs kicked in.  I was taking it for knee and hand pain.  I was fine for two months and then my hands swelled and got very stiff and painful so I started the Gluc/Chon. again and within a few days the pain, etc. was gone.   I'm going to try this experiment one more time because I'd hate to spend all that money on supplements that don't really work.  I have to say though, that based on past experience, there's a definite improvement in my symptoms from the use of Gluc/Chon.  I wonder if anyone here takes it for the hip.  I'd like to hear their take on it.  But it does seem to work for a portion of severe sufferers.
[QUOTE=Jesse88]  I have to say though, that based on past experience, there's a definite improvement in my symptoms from the use of Gluc/Chon.  I wonder if anyone here takes it for the hip.  I'd like to hear their take on it.  [/QUOTE]
My take is, if it helps you, you should take it unless your doctor has a medical reason that you shouldn't.   If he just says 'don't take it because it doesn't work', I say fine for him, nobody is telling HIM to take it.  If I could tell a difference (even if it WAS a placebo effect!), I would keep taking it.  If I felt better on it, and it wouldn't hurt me, I'd stay on it.   
Suzanne, you're absolutely right.  I just want to confirm that it's the Gluc./Chon. that's helping and not the RA drugs.  No point in taking more than I need.   I stopped the supplement again about a month ago, but I was on prednisone for a short time and I don't know if that will skew the results at all and make it take longer for the symptoms to come back, if they do at all.  I'll just have to wait and see. I wonder if it is the Chon and not the Gluc that is working.Pip your link is for the knee, not the hip.

>>One of NCCAM's largest studies has found that, overall, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate--alone and in combination--did not provide significant relief from pain of knee OA. However, a small group of participants with moderate-to-severe pain did experience significant relief from glucosamine combined with chondroitin sulfate.<<

Suzanne, you don't have RA do you? The Chon and Gluc is mostly for OA, so I follow my doctor who said, don't waste the money.

Birdy[QUOTE=Bird Girrl]

Suzanne, you don't have RA do you? The Chon and Gluc is mostly for OA, so I follow my doctor who said, don't waste the money.

LOL.  Read my signature line.  No secret there. 
If I had started something I felt was helping, like Jesse posted, and it would not hurt me to take it, I wouldn't feel I was wasting my money at all.  I don't think you need RA to feel that way.
Please do not read my posts, if you don't want the thoughts of someone without RA.
My friend who doesn't have RA but "wants to help"., is always mentioning placebos too. I wonder why that is?


BirdyAnna/Birdgirrl/whoever -
My response to you now is the same one I gave on AF.  To those not familiar with AF, the threads read bottom to top.
And this one is similar, altho, to be fair, you weren't in this one.
Finally - your definition of the word 'placebo' is incorrect.  A friend trying to help would be suggesting either folk cures or some supplements.  Here is the definiton of placebo for future reference.
Here is the definition of supplement.
There will be a quiz.
I think friends try to help because they are friends.  But then, I am lucky to have nice friends, I guess.  I might not take their advice, but I am always happy they care enough to want to help.  Some people don't have anyone to care about them.
As far as this thread, I was replying to Jesse, specific to her experience.  I'm not rushing out to buy gluc/chon for my OA, my daughter's JRA, or suggesting anyone else do that, either.  Of course, nobody really thought that, did they?
