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What do u think?  Could increased sex between couples cause divorce rates to go down?
I'll get back to you in a month Not sure if divorce rates will drop, but husbands will be very happy and wives will be very tired.   As a guy in his 40's with RA I have no interest or energy for every day. If I were still in my 20's???
Yeah... I think I might be hallucinating because of the BO fumes emitting from my stinky pits.
LOl. and yeah,  an old ex and I (before Ra) and living together, just had this basic unspoken rule, whenever the other wanted sex,.. we had it.. ( tho if one was tired or sick, we usually didn't ask).. and sex 3x a day, 5 days a wk, would be FANTASTIC!!! lol  (and was) lol
i always thought thats what marriage was for all the sex you wanted and massages!!
i don't know, the RA is soo much, honestly and i'm wondering how to even get back into dating, when you can't go for walks and how to explain the exhaustion, etc, etc..
I used to love giving massages.. and now..
I think you're just blessed, if you're already married and have an understanding mate .
or even bf..
Whispered2008-02-19 14:45:18

Whispered, just wanted to let you know that after my divorce, I faced the prospect of dating again, but new and "improved" with fibromyalgia (the RA was yet to come).  I was lucky enough to meet someone who could see past that, and most of the time, is very understanding.  My therapist has several other clients who have chronic illnesses and faced the same dating worries, and they too have found partners.

Though not for everyone, I tried on-line dating (Match.com) and found a great book that was so helpful (and funny!) in creating a profile that was realistic yet interesting.  It's called "I Can't Believe I'm Buying this Book: A Commonsense Guide to Successful Internet Dating" by Evan Marc Katz....I highly recommend it.

Back to the topic at hand, I do remember twice-a-day sex, back when I was in my early twenties and before fibro and RA.  Realistically at this point I could perform some sort of sexual activity about 3-5 times a week, but timing and fighting get in the way more often than I'd like.  I do believe that regular intimate activity (not necessarily intercourse) does stimulate those chemicals that keep a bond strong.
[QUOTE=Whispered].... but hey my mouth still works well...
Umm... yeah... my mouth does not still work. Heck hardly anything on me still "works" LMAO! Poor, hubby is SOL. [QUOTE=Whispered]
i don't know, the RA is soo much, honestly and i'm wondering how to even get back into dating, when you can't go for walks and how to explain the exhaustion, etc, etc..
I used to love giving massages.. and now..
Whispered....When I married my first husband...well..long story short...I was way too young to get married.  It just didn't work our and after 18 years I decided to leave.   The fact that I had RA didn't scare off my second husband.  So don't let that stop you from finding someone Been married for 24 years and I think the most important thing is being best friends .
We have so much fun together hanging out , chatting about every thing in the world.
Sex is a great thing to have in a great relationship but it's not the glue that makes it strong.
When ever we are at a get together I can look across the room at my husband and still
get that little pitter patter in my heart . He always makes me smile !!
Married people still have sex??? Cool! ePoxy , Yeah !!!  And it only gets better and better . And I thought it was great from the beggining . Married people definitely still have sex, I find though that hubby tries not to demand too much, he leaves it up to me to initiate, so I don't feel bad if I am not able.  He is so wonderful, we had a period of about 6 months where I was too ill, he never once complained, thank God,cos  I felt bad enough already.  Keep UP the good work, love Janie.XXX

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