Is your PM box full. | Arthritis Information


Joonie and Cordy your boxes are full.

We all might take this time to clean ours out!!!
Oh... I was just going to reply to this and say... no, my inbox is not full. But now you have ruined it and brought it to my attention that I am one of the ones with a full PM inbox. How are you Joonie? I am about the same as I have been so I guess thats good.  How is the Remicade going. From what I read in bits a pieces you need a higher dose more often is that about right?
Glad you are still doing good. Nice to hear. Have you took anymore pretty pics?
Yep that is what it sounds like. Will find out Monday what RD is going to hook me up with. Which I am sure it will be an IV needle
Last time I got my Remicade... where the nurse put the IV needle in... I had a BIG purple bruise from it for over a month. It just has went away like last week.
Needles are evil!
Funny you should mention that because my last infusion I thought the nurse was digging for gold or something. I do not bruise vissably but it hurt like crazy for about a week! She laughed and said she must have grabbed a DULL needle on accident. She was only kidding and has always done a great job in the past.  So yes they are EVIL!!!Funny part is... it did not hurt like it did the 1st & 2nd time done my infusions, and I got a BIG nice bruise outta it all. My PM box isn't full.  ;)Oh just rub it in, why don't ya, shykymom Thanks, Jay Jay. I only just realised today. Sorry, if you were trying to get something through. I have about half emptied it...still working on it but at least you can send in now.