OT: Where do you visit? | Arthritis Information


I have realized that I am not putting having the internet to it's fullest potential. I only visit like 8 sites every day. There are millions and billions of websites out in cyberspace and yet... I do not visit but 8 of them a day.

So... I was wondering where all do you visit that might be of interest?
I need to add to my cyberspace galavanting.
PerezHilton...kind of the same stuff as Dlisted...of the 2, dlisted is my fav
my bank, local newspaper, local tv station, newspaperarchive.com, ancestry.com, myfamily.com, wvculture.org, hgtv.com (to make my daily entry for the Dream Home!), craigslist.com, slickdeals.net, imdb.com, youtube.comwww.pogo.com (online games - free)

www.popcap.com (online games - free)

www.addictinggames.com (online "homemade" games -free)

Did I ever mention I'm an online game addict? *grin*

myspace, of course!!!

www.icanhascheezburger.com (silly "lolcat" pictures)

www.dumpalink.com (crazy videos, pictures, random internet media, updated at least daily)

www.buzznet.com (online community for entertainment, I belong to a Manson fan site!)

www.tagged.com (a myspace knock off, with some cooler features)

www.penny-arcade.com (online comic strip, blog, ratings etc etc for gaming systems, really I just go for the comic, its HILARIOUS)

www.totallyfreecrap.com (free crap! really!)

www.woot.com (daily deals on electronics and new gadgets. They have a sister site for t-shirts. I've never bought anything, but I'm convinced I will.....one day........)

www.modcloth.com (cute cool clothes, jewelry, furnishing.....I like to look at them for ideas of my own)

www.stupid.com (tons of stupid stuff....I can't really describe it any further than that, it's an awesome site though!!!)

www.archiemcphee.com (again, tons of random stupid crap! GREAT site!)

If THAT doesn't keep you busy......................sheesh!
Another one I like is Television without Pity...message board for different tv shows.  http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/
 I love reading this one "Admit it..You can't stand The View"
kelstev2008-02-19 14:05:58LOl joanie, ahh pool boys and magarita's..
I know what you mean, i'm kinda stuck too, lol.
ok first i go to my freebie boards,  www.yourdailyfreebies.com
I save HUNDREDS of $$ each month, w/ coupons and the freebies i I get
hmm blush gossip sites, tv guide,  I'm kiinda sick of www.usatoday.com
too light on news..
here, looking for other chat forums.. at the moment,   some spiritual forums.( one in the UK).
ohh www.tennessean.com bc I love country music and yes, more entertainment news, in the Celebrity section .
by then, and if i have any phone calls to make, i'm exhausted!!! LOL
soo sad, but true..
I spend a fair amt of time, getting freebies and am on a coupon train.
Also love www.craigslist.org, oh and I check out my surveys, see if anything interesting.. worth the time and $$
Fodors is good for travel.. and i check out the papers in Nc, where i'm from.... and anything else that happens to interest me, shrug..
and NOt to mention the daily email to friends, so whew.. and I need to start writing a lot more!!!
Note: WARNING~ if you get into the freebies, theres a whole way to do it..
pm me if interested in letter bc theres a whole guide, to how to do it WELL
www.sirlinksalot.com , has Tons of reviews and all the ARTICLES about your fav shows, all condensed..
I'm also an Amazing Race fan, Survivor and yes American Idol, lol


Whispered...that link doesn't work for meI also play euchre at Yahoo.  Tons of games there as well..

a couple more

for those who like scrapbooking
There's facebook as well...

ahhh sorry try www.sirlinksalot.NET

i do not know why my links aren't clicking on, shrug.. and yes i used the http thingy..


Whispered2008-02-19 14:23:48that didn't work, but I googled it and bookmarked it...thanks!ohh gamers, I would Love to find this SCRABBLE PLACE, which i went to before and
can not refind, it has like tons of other games, but in the Scrabble place, it has like 3 rooms or more and you can CHAT w/ people.. had monopoly games, all kinds..
any ideas?? anyone like to play scrabble here? lol
kel did you mean it did work? lol
Whispered2008-02-19 14:29:53Oh that reminds me I should check my myspace.  Not that I usually have anything to look at on it.  My neice made it for me and I forget about it until someone says something.
I also visit pogo.
Then of course all the local news sites in our surrounding area.

Homestar Runner
check out StrongBad's emails! A popular one is Dragon.  It's an internet cult classic!

Passive Agressive Notes
Hey, you can go to Yahoo games and play Literati. It's a scrabble knock off, and you can chat while you play! I visit anything i can.
I research symptoms and diseases that I have all the time and end up finding all sorts of info you don't find on regular websites that are for RA and dairy allergy.
I like to read tests that were done and how the results came out to help make my decisions.
Type of things i found in the past were how antibiotics help treat RA and how they are confused yet on why it helps some, I read on how probiotics help so much, how hot peppers can help ra etc. etc. etc.
I also play online games to keep my mind off.  I play world of warcraft with friends.
Just a few of favourites...I'm an info junkie.

Clare Goodwin's Mandala Page
Grief Resources, Bereavement, Grief Support, Grief and Loss, Coping with Loss
Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert, Earth Spirituality, Goddess Mythology, Tarot Cards, Nature, Gaia
Art and Words | Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr
101 Best Websites For Writer's
Soul Collage
Herbal Medicine and Spirit Healing the Wise Woman Way - Susun Weed
ComfortQueen.com - Jennifer Louden's work life balance wellness center for busy women
Wu Tao Dance: Home
Tai Chi for Arthritis: How to contact us
The Kübler-Ross grief cycle
Crystal Waters Ecovillage
Natural Vision Improvement | The Janet Goodrich Method
Planet SARK
Australia Zoo - Home of the Crocodile Hunter - “Conservation through Exciting Education”
www.living on a dime.com
Hillbilly Housewife

I hate you.

Don't ever introduce me to another amazing site again.

Don't you know how strong my addictions become?? Sorry, Katie, but what can I do? I have so many amazing bookmarks they just overflow off my computer into the internet arthritis forum!

It's out of my hands....I've got a couple. :)
Local paper, Chicago tribune, news.yahoo.com, local politics blogs, eeeuser.com (site about the EEE PC), scientificamerican.com, emedicine.com, Chicago Archdiocese site, my kids' school site, local government body websites, newegg.com, amazon.com, thinkgeek.com I LOVE this: I LOVE to play Scrabble or Yahoo's version of Scrabble. If anyone wants to make a weekly Scrabble Group, you could count me in. Cry?  I thinks it's sweet, it makes me smile.Makes me cry! Not bad tears, but still!!!

Warn me! LOL
fair enough.  are you at work?I am not. YAY. Well sort of yay. lol

I went back to the doc this AM, because my symptoms came back.....

Yup, still infected. DOUBLE ear infection and she said I had "little puss pockets all over your tonsils"

Goodie! Tested for strep, nope, not that. Gave me a new decongestant that shouldn't cause tummy issues, and augmentin. These antibiotics get more and more expensive each round here. I need to BEAT THIS!!
doesn't the ear infections cause you a lot of pain?  Is that why you're up so late?  I had one once about ten years ago and it was horrible.  Make sure you take the meds till they're gone, otherwise it'll just keep on coming back.
I thought pus sacs in your throat were always strep.
No, thats the thing, they just feel full. And I get randomly dizzy/nauseous. She was amazed I didn't have a fever. It's like my body doesn't even care!!!

Although, I am EXHAUSTED no matter what I do (which is why I'm still up, I have things I wanted to do, doesn't matter when I do them I'm still gonna be tired LOL)

Apparently not, cause she tested me and it wasn't strep. Pippy says tonsils are filters so it could be anything. I'm pretty sure I've heard that before somewhere. my son had an recurrant ear infection when he was little.  Kept taking him in getting an antibiotic thinking it was gone and BAM  a few weeks later, raging fever and infected ears again.  Finally the doc put him on augmentin for about a month.  That killed it.  But he never complained about pain with it.  Once his ear was actually bleeding, the ear drum ruptured, and I wouldn't have known if not for the fever.  Some people just have a high pain tolerence.Yep, my son had ear infection last year I think, might have been the year before. The Dr. was quite surprised son did not complain of his ear hurting and we were shocked to find out that he had 2 ear infections. She told me they were full and green "infected" for sure. *sigh*

She didn't even have to look that hard either. I feel like my ears are being pulled off my head. But it's not *pain* I can't explain it really. It feels.............wrong.
Katie, have you heard this one.....Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter 
Joonie, why are you up so late?
Joonie we ganked your thread. Sorry!! LOL oops.  sorry joonie.  i don't even remember the original topic.  oh yeah, where do you visit.  good thread btwWhen the boogyman goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

There is no chin behind Chuck Norris's beard. Only another fist.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy. It is a Chucktatorship.

Not only were these pick BY Chuck Norris as HIS favorite. They're mine as well!!

Oh wait, there is no "my favorite" There is only Chuck's Favorite......damn...
well here, another site to visit then:


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