Do you think that? | Arthritis Information


I have read about others who have weakness in their legs.  Do you think it's from RA or lack of exercise, or perhaps both?  I have been told by 2 docs that it is not nuropathy(sp?)  What do you think? [QUOTE=GG]I have read about others who have weakness in their legs.  Do you think it's from RA or lack of exercise, or perhaps both?  I have been told by 2 docs that it is not nuropathy(sp?)  What do you think? [/QUOTE]

It can TOTALLY be from lack of exercise.  Are you pretty sedentary?  If so, start just increasing the walking you do around the house.  Use it or lose it.I experience that weakness in my legs (usually first thing in the morning). There have been several times where I've had to sit on the arm of the couch because they feel like they're going to give out on me. I don't think I'm too sedentary; I'm chasing an almost 1 yr old around most of the time. That child is into EVERYTHING now! muscle weakness and wasting is an effect of the RA  HOWEVER it can be counteracted by exerciseJas, Mrs. A & Buckeye, thanks for your response.  I go to PT twice a week, so I am hoping it helps.   This is a very interesting question.  I have left-sided weakness in my arm and leg which is very slowly progressing to the right side.  The RD seems to think it's neuropathy and unfortunately it's not getting any better.  However, I find that vigourous exercise seems to increase the blood flow, or something, because that movement does help.  That and stamping my feet to get the feeling back.  Since the weakness is only on one side I tend to believe the RD that it is the disease and not lack of exercise.  But you can be sure that I will keep moving as much as possible because it does help and you should too.  PT is a good thing. 


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Recent studies have shown that the risk of osteoporosis is lower for people who are active, and especially those who do load-bearing, or weight-bearing activities at least three times a week.

The best exercises for building bone are weight- or load-bearing exercises. These include weight-lifting, jogging, hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing, racquet sports, and other activities that require your muscles to work against gravity. Swimming and simply walking, although good for cardiovascular fitness, are not the best exercises for building bone. Thirty minutes of weight-bearing exercise daily benefits not only your bones, but improves heart health, muscle strength, coordination, and balance. Those 30 minutes don't need to be done all at once; it's just as good for you to do 10 minutes at a time.

If you already have osteoporosis, you might wonder whether you should exercise at all. The answer for most people is YES. You should speak to your doctor to learn what types of exercises you can safely do to preserve bone and to strengthen your back and hips. Keep in mind, however, that exercise alone can't prevent or cure osteoporosis.

Exercise Tips:

  • Even if you do not have osteoporosis, you should check with your health care provider before you start an exercise program.
  • Remember to warm up before starting and cool down at the end of each exercise session.
  • For the best benefit to your bone health, combine several different weight-bearing exercises.
  • As you build strength, increase resistance, or weights, rather than repetitions.
  • Remember to drink plenty of water whenever exercising, especially here in Arizona.
  • Vary the types of exercise that you do each week.
  • Combine weight bearing and resistance exercise with aerobic exercises to help improve your overall health.
  • Bring your friend along to help you keep going or better yet, bring your family and encourage them to be healthy.
  • Add more physical activity to your day; take the stairs vs. the elevator, park further way, and walk to your co-worker's office rather than emailing.

Put LIVE into action!

L - Load or weight-bearing exercises make a difference to your bones

I - Intensity builds stronger bones.

V - Vary the types of exercise and your routine to keep interested.

E - Enjoy your exercises. Make exercise fun so you will continue into the future!


Additonal Resources:

levlarry2008-02-20 08:12:49I've had muscle weakness in my legs for quite a long time and I think mine is the result of the RA and the long term use of prednisone.  Lengthy walks and exercise help and don't seem to be too big of a problem.  Strenuous exercise such as leg presses are quite a bit harder.  Standing in one place for long periods of time is really tough and if I can move around a little, it's not so bad.  I think what really made me take notice to the weakness was going to the beach last summer.  Waves coming in that no one would even think twice about were really giving me a hard time staying upright.  I was shocked at how weak my legs were and what a struggle  it was to stand as the waves were coming in and out.   