I Sorry. | Arthritis Information


I am sorry for being a board hog and making so many posts. I guess you can blame it on Panlor DC. It wires me and makes me think I am thinking clearly.

I will go back to my normal mode now
Thanks to all of you have replied to my posts. They have been very helpful to me and now maybe I can be a little more proactive in my pain mangement.
Joonie, don't you dare apologise for posting. I enjoyed all your questions and ideas today. It's great to have someone asking those questions...off topic or not. I like it when you post insightful questions, woman. Hi joonie- please dont stop making me laugh. Also you do come with some good ideas.Oh no I think this calls for 50 lashes.  And I am not gonna use a wet noodle either.  LOL
You know what.......if nobody ever asked any questions or shared their experiences, this world would not get very far. THis is an informative  board, even though we all may complain and ask questions, I still think it is a crucial concept to be able to share all these things so that so many of us can learn, cope and manage our lives better with this dreaded disease.
I have not been online here for a week or two and have to egt caught up but no matter what the circumstances, we need eachothers input and especially eachother's support...at least I think so!
[QUOTE=shykymom]Oh no I think this calls for 50 lashes.  And I am not gonna use a wet noodle either.  LOL
Joonie , I for one love reading your posts and your responses to other posts .
Please don't stop !!!!

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