tomorrow is the big day | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone, Yes, tomorrow is the day I recieve my new hip. I'm trying to tie up lose ends but our weather is cold and rainy. My joints aren't happy. I can't walk very well and my leg doesn't have much stability to it. I wish that I could take something stronger than Tylenol. Took my last vicodin yesterday. So I'm sitting here playing on my laptop.

Hope that all have a good day.
YAY!!!  Can't wait to hear how it works out  How long a hospital stay is it?  And do they say how much PT?  WIll you be on your feet again by spring?Good Luck Sweetie. Hope all goes well.
Let us hear from you as soon as you have a chance to get us a message. We'll want to hear how things went.
The hospital stay is only for 2 to 3 days. They kicked you out as soon as they can. If you stay longer, the hospital looses money. No PT has been discuss with me yet as I have to wait to see if the femur will stay in one piece when they remove the hardware from my hip. I'm nervous about that part and I'm saying prayers that all goes well. I want to be able to walk w/o my pain being a 7 going very quickly on a 10!
Marisa- I hope it all goes well for you, let us know as soon as you are able to. You are in my thoughts and prayersGood luck girl. Just be kind to yourself while your healing. my mom wouldn't sit still for very long and her poor legs would get so swollen. Your gonna feel great when it's all said and done. thoughts and prayers are with you.Good luck, Marisa!!  I"ll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending good vibes!!Marisa,
My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow.  
Good luck!  Hope you are up and walking around without the pain very soon!!! Good luck to you.  I pray all goes well.Hi Marisa, my prayers are with you, all the very best, pamper yourself a little, no a lot, after the event!!!!!!!  Hugs Janie. Wishing only the best for you Marisa.  You will be remembered in my prayers.

I hope everything goes smoothly and you are walking pain free very, very soon!Good Luck!  Keep us posted and follow your post op instructions Hugs and prayers!
Best wishes!  My Mom and Uncle have done amazingly well with their new hips!!  Here's to a speedy recovery for you!!!

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Marisa. You and your surgeon(s) will be in my prayers! Post when you can and follow Dr's orders Best of wishes to you !! You'll be putting miles in by summer .

You'll also be in my Prayers .      
Good Luck tomorrow! I got a new knee in 2006 and its working great!

Hope all goes well!