Was Gone, Miss Me?? | Arthritis Information


High everyone! Long time no post, I know. Hope everyone is doing well. How cool is this new set up for the board? Did the crew here have anything to do with the change? I haven't checked it out totally, but what I've seen so far is pretty cool. I've been busy and frankly just in a funk these past months and haven't even been on the puter much. I missed you guys. I missed the banter. I also just started a new job after being a hausfrau for over 20 years. I'm working with elderly folks that still live at home and need some help, like shopping, cooking or just to keep them company. Low pay to start, but the work will be very rewarding I know. I have lots of office skills, but I don't like being indoors all day every day. Thankfully my RA has been very very quiet and I'm feeling great. I could lose a few pounds and I'm sure I will with the new job. I just had to pop in and share with my buddies here. K, gonna go check out the rest of this website. Have a great day everyone.

Oh.  This is weird.  I was just thinking about you, but I was thinking your name was Kathy.  I remember your picture though and that you always have a good positive attitude.  And a cheerful face.  Good to see you and to hear you're doing so well.
That is wonderful to hear that your RA is getting good. Congrats on the job!
Glad to see you back!Hi, welcome back, hope you are here to stay, cheers Janie.  I missed you - welcome back.  CathyWelcome back!  We're as nutty as ever around here. Is that the new grandbaby? Congratulations. How did everything go? Name? You miss the "banter"!
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