I am Fake | Arthritis Information


What am I talking about you might be wondering.

Well... It is kinda hard to explain. So going to try my best.
You know when my knees swell... and I post of picture of them and everyone says how painful that must be? Well... it is not that painful, heck... it is not painful at all. It is just highly annoying because it limits my ROM. It gets painful when it goes into what I so lovingly call it hard swell. When it gets to that stage that is when it is the most painful, because it is pushing down on my joint.
I just thought I would let ya'll know... so the next time I post pics of my swelled knees ya'll will not think it is painful when it really is not.
I am not sure why it is not painful, because when I get the slightest mussy swell anywhere else it hurts and throbs. But in my knees there is little to no pain, until the mussy swell turns into hard swell.
It might have something to do with the prednisone I am on. It seems like the last time I was off prednisone for a couple of months even the slightest swelling on my knees hurt like no tomorrow.
Had to get that off my chest.
Now if ya'll will next time I post pics of my knees just say "I have seen worse" I "sorta" know what you mean joonie.  When my knees got huge they didn't hurt as bad.  It was almost like the squishy stuff kinda gave it extra padding.  It when the swelling went down some then they hurt like heck.  Really hard to explain.Painful or not, those pictures showed something was wrong.  It's not normal to have knees that look like that.  The fact that they weren't painful is not something you need to apologize for.  That's a good thing. Joonie I also suspect what you are calling uncomfortable would be sending others to the emergency room.  High pain tolerance is good except when it allows us to put off getting something checked..thats how the damage occurshttp://youtube.com/watch?v=iC2pVPOxEI4 Are your knees also warm to the touch? My dr said that was a sign of how bad the flare was, if the swollen joint was also warm. My left knee is always swollen more than my right and during my flare they were both gigantic. My family was just astounded when they had to help me onto the toilet or in the shower and my knees were just hot, like I'd just taken the heating pad off them. Now that the flare is over they're just swollen but not hot.
Thanks everyone. I just felt like I needed to let ya'll know.
[QUOTE=shykymom]I "sorta" know what you mean joonie.  When my knees got huge they didn't hurt as bad.  It was almost like the squishy stuff kinda gave it extra padding.  It when the swelling went down some then they hurt like heck.  Really hard to explain.[/QUOTE]
I thought about this last night while I was trying to go to sleep. I just did not want to get back up and post again because it would have made me an uneven # of posts.
I think the swelling provides a cushion and when the swelling turns to hard swell or goes away that is when it really hurts. Sometimes it feels like my bones are not aligned right and misfiring which causes even more sharp shooting pain to occur. After a swell my joints feel like they are stretched out; like my knee has shrunk or the cavity where my knee goes has expanded. When that happens is when I tend to twist my knee alot, which results in more swelling.
Deidre - Yes, my knees are warm to the touch. I can feel the warmth radiate from my PJ pants or jeans. The more swollen the knee the more heat I can feel coming off of it.

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