Kidney Stones anyone?? | Arthritis Information


Just curious if any of you suffer from kidney stones? I had a terrible one in college and haven't really had one since. Thought it was odd for someone so young to get one, but since I also have RA i figure what the heck!

I think I may be having another one just not as bad. My side twinges and believe me I know that feeling. But I haven't had any bad pain like I did with the last one. It has been coming and going for about a week now.
Occasionally I will feel that sensation but only for a minute or 2 and it goes away. But this one is persisting. Is it possible to have one with out the major pain?? Maybe it will just pass on it's own.
Anyway just curiouos to see if this is RA related.
Oh I hope it isn't one.  I hear the pain is so terrible.  I remember my mom getting them.  OMG she was in such pain.  Actually a stone is the reason she had to have a kidney removed.  I know that is probably rare.
Sending some good thoughts your way in hopes it isn't a stone.
Thanks, I think if it was going to get bad it would have by now.
Yeah it is pretty painful. I was screaming at the hospital like i was having a baby! hahah they told me to be quiet because at the time they thought it was a UTI. NOT.
I am just praying that it doesn't happen again.
I don't think they are actually RA related.....but could be medication related.
Hope you don't have one. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Drink water! Lots and lots and lots of water!!! Kidney stones have no one specific cause, however there IS a drastic increase in people going to the ER with stones in the summer time. Hence the dehydration theory began. And drinking lots of water DOES seem to help most people.

Here's a link with some really good information:
I notice you take sulfasalazine...

Fluid intake: While using sulfasalazine, drink an adequate amount of fluids to minimize the risk of crystals in the urine and the forming of kidney stones.
I take sulfasalazine as well...and I have to keep reminding myself to drink a lot of water...I usually forget though
oh yikes! I haven't taken it for a couple of weeks, but I guess it takes a while for those to build up. That would make sense!
[QUOTE=cah1418]Just curious if any of you suffer from kidney stones? I had a terrible one in college and haven't really had one since. Thought it was odd for someone so young to get one, but since I also have RA i figure what the heck!

Jasmine is right, they have lots of treatment options now, so I would go get it checked out.


I will get it checked if it starts hurting. It isn't so much hurting right now, I call them twinges. 
I figure if I have one it is just a tiny one that would pass on it's own.
If it starts giving me trouble I promise I will get it looked at.

Even if it doesn't burn?


hahah that was a weird question


Even if it doesn't burn?


hahah that was a weird question


Yep.  Bladder infections burn.  Kidney infections hurt.  Call your doc.When I had the one in college it burned bad. That's why they thought it was a UTI.
I will call [QUOTE=cah1418]When I had the one in college it burned bad. That's why they thought it was a UTI.

Sorry you dad gets them so often. That stinks!

My husband just had a scare with too much anti-inflamitory drugs and his kidney and liver said "OUCH". I'd go for a blood test asap. Hope it's not a stone, that's all bad. Good luck.

oh no, what happened?? nothing bad I hope. cah14182008-02-21 16:18:38 [QUOTE=cah1418]

My sister had a kidney infection for like 2 months. She never got it taken care of!

Sorry you dad gets them so often. That stinks!


Yea... he's not a big fan of doctors either, which is why he doesn't see them when he should.  He basically thinks they're glorified mechanics... and the human body only comes in two models (boy and girl).
 Also lots of lemonaid .
I had a stone about the size of golf ball that they had to go in through my back to get .
It took a week in the Hospital and 2 surgeries to get it all out .
 The Dr mentioned to drink lots of lemonaid on top of lots of water .
 So far so good , it's been 3 years and the xrays are all clean .
Yikes!!! I am glad you are ok now.  That is scary.
I have come  to the conclusion that it isnt a kidney stone. I think I am just being paranoid.  If I get any more symptoms I will  call the doc. Jas is not going to be happy!
My father's doctor sent him home with kidneys stones once with the advise to drink beer! My Dad said that's one recommendations he could easily follow! lol
wooo hoo! I like that RX! Maybe I will do it as a precautionary measureThat's the spirit!Christina,
I know what it is like to have kidney stones the pain is almost worst than having a baby, the first one, I didn't know what was going on with my body, we were in the process of painting our house.  I went to work on Friday, came home because I was so sick. (my diagnoses was a bladder infection) the pains kept coming all night. Saturday morning I woke up vomiting and in so much pain I would not walk.  went to the ER where they done a cat scan which showed a kidney stone) they wanted to keep me to see if I could pass it, but I went home.  Over the next few days I was druged and slept a lot it finally chrystalized and I passed it.  My next big one was about 6 months later, same pain went to my doctor and he gave me pain pills and I eventally passed a real kidney stone the size of a pea.  I couldn't imagine something so small causing so much pain
You will need to go to your doctor or ER.  If it is a kidney stone hopefully you will pass it soon.
MaeMae2008-02-25 11:57:04

Mae, they say that the pain from a kidney stone is worse that having a baby...if so I am all for having a baby! I know I can handle the pain.

Sorry you had to wait so long for a DX!  They were telling me mine was a bladder infection too! So I had to litterally scream at the top of my lungs that it DEFINITELY was not a UTI.
You wanna hear something gross...probably shouldn't tell people this but I saved mine for a while!!! LOL I kept it in a dixie cup!!!!
......don't judge [QUOTE=cah1418]

Mae, they say that the pain from a kidney stone is worse that having a baby...if so I am all for having a baby! I know I can handle the pain.
