OT - there is no describing this one | Arthritis Information



THERE IS NOTHING I CAN SAY. EXCEPT,.....I'VE EMAILED TO ABOUT 6 PEOPLE ALREADY! OMG THAT WAS SOOOO FUNNY.Wow.OMGWTFROTFLMAO He's my HERO - and he does poetry too!My husband calls me Dildo Baggins, says I am queen of all mean hobbits. Iam not kidding he really does. He refers to my family as the hobbit clan.
I judt dispites Lord of the Rings, because if hubby had not watched it... I would not be called Dildo Baggins by hubby.
joonie2008-02-21 22:02:43Errrrrrr.......Joonie did you mean bilbo

OMG MAKE IT STOP!!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!  I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!  hhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Has anyone else from Trek done an amazingly horribly wonderful video? We should put them all on a disc together. Nerds everyone would flock to buy them....

NO the worse one is William Shatner doing McAuthor Park, that is most frightening one I have seen!!!!!  hehehehehehehe
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