New Anthrax Vaccine Sunk by Lobbying | Arthritis Information


Yet another reason to vote against the current regime.,1,3942924,full.story?ctrack=4&cset=true

You mean vote liberal?  Can't begin to imagine the scenario that would make me do that.

Is this the anthrax vaccine that the military boys get? (I'm at work and clicking links takes FOREVER so I haven't read it yet)
If so.........YIKES!! I gotta admit, I'm not so sure they have that vaccine down pat just yet. Have you ever seen/talked to/been around someone who's had it? SCARY STUFF.....The side effects are insane sometimes. And you should see some of the site reations. OMG They're just rediculous!
Katie -
It's a link to why our military boys got this old vaccine with massive problems in place of the newer, better, safer vaccine.  Seems the lobbyists and the politicians sold us (and them) out. 

Ah! Okay. Thanks.

That is really messed up, because that vaccine is litterally *THE* scariest one I have ever been witness to.
My g/f's hubby had it before they deployed him several years ago. She was preggo at the time, and they had him STAY IN A HOTEL until they said he was "safe" to be around her. She couldn't even be in the same room with him. He could not be in public either. His arm swelled up (he was a bad boy and came to see me and our other g/f so we could pass goddies to her and love and hugs LOL) he had a massive welt that was reddish/purple and he could not raise his arm. It eventually blistered and popped open. Kinda looked like a brown recluse bite.
He has a scar to this day. Oh, he was SOOO sick from it. Spent a good 24hrs over the toilet sweating buckets. Poor guy :(
