
I had my depo injection of 80mg day before yesterday into my bottom for the first time ever and was told to stop taking pred immediately.  I am in agony with flare ups through my hands fingers ankles knees.  I rang my Dr who said I have to give it a chance to work - how long I asked him and he said see what im like Monday!!!! Im in total agony now and getting worse as day goes on and with a 7 weekold baby to look after and two other sons who are starting back to school next Wedndesday and relay on me to get them there.  Im so fed up with all of this sh*t all of the time with this RA.  I can't plan from one day to the next as my flare ups come on suddenly in half hour and last 2-3 days. 

Have any of you had this steroid injection ?  If so when did it work for you and how lond did it last for ??

I'm not fimiluar with what you refer to as "Depo" but I've been a huge fan of cortisone injections for more than 11 years. Usually doesn't take more than a day to see a dramatic difference for  me.

Sounds like it's about the same thing if it's a "steroid injection".

I prefer the one directly in the effected joint itself. Those seem to be the best.

My doctors prescribed predisone at the same time though, so it might not be the same thing as you're talking about.

Hope you're feeling better soon.


Depo Medrol shots? They usually work for me in a couple of days. Boy I get moody too.    After I get them I cry, laugh,'s really scary.  It lasted maybe a 3 weeks to a month. Be careful getting too many of those...before I started getting those shots and starting prednisone I was 115lbs.  I have to say the depo medrol shots have never done a thing for me.  My rheumy says that you either get relief or you don't.  I don't and it sounds like you don't either.  So, the other alternative is the oral pred. (at least for me).  I hope you get something different.  I'm so sorry Chelybel.  It really sounds like you are appropriately angry and miserable.  I hate how it sneaks up on you like that.  Can someone come over and help with the kids?  I cannot imagine being in a bad flare with children.  I freak out over my dogs when I am in a bad flare.  I have not had that shot.  I just wanted to tell you I feel for you and hope you get some help around the house and pain meds.  My world falls apart when I am in a bad flare.  You just have to remember - it does pass.  I need that reminder - it feels like it takes forever.  I hope you have someone to help with kids, have some pain meds, and can get lots of rest - maybe a bath.  This is so unfair with your new baby.  Everyone reacts differently to meds.  Me, I react very quickly to Depo Medrol.   But oral pred...takes awhile.  In fact when my last doc gave me the first depo medrol shot...she only gave me half of a dose...out of fear that if it kicked in, I'd immediately overdo...and what did I do?  It kicked in and I was on the riding lawn mower later that day.  But at the time, I was also hovering around 110 lbs so that may have had to do with it too.  The second time she gave me the inj. it took much longer to kick in.   And actually, I think my first shot was when Bastian was around 7 or 8 weeks old.    Chelybel,  Maybe it will still kick in.  Fingers crossed.