OT: I need prayers...... | Arthritis Information


OK...So here I am....This past week has been a week from hell...excuse my language but you will understand why in a min...A little background.  My mom and little brother live w/ my grandparents and will for a while.  My grandfather is stubborn, not much more to say but he is VERY stubborn.  Hes only been to the dr a handful of times, has never taken any kind of meds, and has smoked since he was about 9 or 10 (hes 83 now).  Starting about a month ago he was having really bad acid reflux, and couldnt walk more the 10 steps w/o needing to hold on to something.  He finally saw someone about a week in a half ago.  They ran a bunch of tests put him on some meds.  Then they did some kind of test on Tuesday and the cardiologist said that he HAS to have an angiogram and possibly depending on what he sees while they are there they will do a bipass.  So they did the angiogram yesterday and the surgen did NOT like what he saw at all.  THey are having to do a quadruple bipass this afternoon.  He has severe lung disease along with this heart disease.  He will be on a ventilator during the surgery becuase he is only breathing at 25% capacity for someone his age.  Then once he gets home he will be on oxygen.

This has really taken a toll on me emotionally.  I am the oldest grandchild and Papa (when i was born he said he was to young to be called grandpa so i called him Papa) has always been around....If you could say some prayers or send some kind thoughts our way, I would greatly appreciate it.

I am SO sorry.  I will keep you, your family, and the surgeons in my prayers.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and  your family! You have my prayers Shannan.

Oh shannon sorry to hear this devastating news. Your whole family are in my prayers.

its so hard when your grandparents get sick---I feel for you and you are in my prayers. your grandpa sounds alot like my grandfather was---STUBBORN and HATED doctors. I think its sometimes that generation---they are VERY proud and they stick to "their ways" only.

My grandpa was a great guy and he was going out on his terms only and that was that!   The last of the John Waynes.

Good Luck to you and your family.Shannon....so sorry about your grandpa!  I will definitely pray for him.  Take care of you in the mean time!Sending you prayers and good thoughts for Papa.  And hugs to you.I'm sorry to hear this Shannon.  I will pray for Grandpa, doctors and your family.Prayers and hugs,
My thoughts and heart are with you and your family.  Please take care of yourself first.  If you don't you won't be able to care for your papa and your family members.  LindyMy prayers are with your Papa and for your family as well.
I hope the surgery will make him feel much better soon.

I know it's very hard for you now just trust in the Lord to help you through.

Thoughts and prayers are with your family today.I'm sending prayers your way. I don't know if you all remember but one year ago this month my dad had a massive heart attack and quadruple bypass. He came through it thanks to the fantastic doctors and medical technology available these days. More than that I want to tell you, my dad feels so fantastic now. Your grandpa will be fine and he will be better than good as new. I know how awful the waiting is also, every time the phone riings you jump. Have faith in the doctors and stay positive. You and your grandpa are in my thoughts. Please post an update when you are able.

My prayers are for you, Papa and your families.  "Gentlest of Hugs" for you sweetie - you're truly an angel.  It's difficult enough to be a caregiver when your health is good so don't forget to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, TOO.
God bless, I'll be praying for Papa and your family. You are so lucky to have grandparents. All of mine passed when I was young. I've already lost my dad, just this past November. It is so hard to see someone you love so much go through such a hard time. But, he will feel so much better after the bypass. His heart won't have to work so hard, and he'll breath much easier.Hugs and prayers are being sent......why it is life has to be so darned difficult? I wish you the best

Best wishes and prayers to you and your family. 

Hope all works out well, Shannon.*hugs* Sorry I'm late on this. Hectic day and the such (blargh)
We love you! I promise that one day you WILL stop getting hit with all the family stuff!! It's gotta slow down some time!!!! *Hugs hugs and more hugs*
Well he is out of surgery!!!  The surgen was pleased with how it turned out.  He is in ICU and is still on a ventilator and will be in the hospital for at least another week.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the prayers!!! You guys are really the best!
WOOT!!! Yay for making it out of surgery! That can be the scariest part!
Has he been awake at all yet?

Katie, no he isnt awake yet...

Yes I can relax ALOT now well kind i have my brother here and im getting the flu......ugggg if its not one thing its another
Well don't sweat it too much, he just went through A LOT. I'd be sleepin too.
Just give your brother the flu. You don't need it anyway. Tell him you're making up for never sharing as a child. Shannon, we are all thinking of you and your father.
God Bless

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