Do you get sweaty? | Arthritis Information


I thought when i was all sweaty before it was part of the RA flare. But then i found out i had low blood sugar. My hands and feet are sweaty today so just wondering?I sweat like a pig every single night (well sometimes i get a dry night off).  I just lay in a puddle and don't know why.  My sugar level is fine.  I do have a low sugar level though, have had it my whole life (no diabetes, oposite).  So i make sure i get a nice amount of sugar in my diet, but i still sweat like a pig at night, but never during the day.menopause (sp?)? I know I thought I was dying for sure and my doc said "welcome to the change". I thought change what? drugs, eating, then he said "no Monica, change of life" I politely said "no thank you". That was a hard pill to swallow. Hope you find out soon what's causing yours. Let us know.What are you talking about. Change of life. My hair may have all turned grey this month but give me a break, I refuse. End of subject. LOL I think it is the RA. I sweat more when i flare. No problem with the hair really i die it, but wow the roots came in grey and white like i had had a heart attack or something major change.Anyway change. Change who, not me the rest of you can i am forever young and staying that way.menopause ???

I woke with night sweats 3 years ago at the age of 40 . Went to the doc to find out what was going on and the conclusion was menopause.
After chatting with my dad about that he mentioned mom went through it early also.
I started taking vitamin E and now no more night sweats and maybe one small one during the day .
I was tested and was told no mentalpause :)  They think it's the prednisone as it can cause that type of reaction.
I hate it thought, i go to be with streight hair (have to use a hair goo to make it that way) and wake up with the ugliest frizzy curl mess.
I also ahve grays, have had them since 30, now 35.  So my husband will be coloring my hair since i can't squeeze the bottle, we just bought hair color last night, i never thought i would be buying gray coverage at age 35 lol.
Milly; I don't know if you take cmybalta or not , but it will make you sweat ton's .HI guys.  Sweaty is the understatement of the year, I literally drip with sweat and have to change clothes twice a day at least, 2 showers a day and swimming.  My GP says it is all the drugs as I am not going thru the change yet.  I know Endone can make you sweat like this.  I have to take a packet of wet wipes with me when I go out, it is so embarrassing.  Regards Janie.  You know it could have been the raynauds even. I get low blood sugar sometimes and wow that makes me sweat. It was my hands and feet. I do not remember them getting cold first. I wasn't awake long and they were sweating badly. I have been sleeping on and off also. would still be sleeping but the noise level is up today around the house. My fingers are hurting and the finger tips hurt in the pad area. A sharp stinging pain. But my fingers are also swollen on the sides of the fingernails and feel hot. I will do a post hot finger tips and see what i get.HI Milly, I reckon that is osteoarthritis, as RA doesn't normally affect the fingertip joint.  I have the same in my right index finger.  Regards Janie.  I'm a sweater too big time and I noticed that after I starting taking cymbalta, I was sweating worse. I can't stand it, I take a shower and by the time I get out get dressed and try to do something with my hair, I'm a wringing mess and I feel like I need another shower.
Temp in central Il is 25 degrees and I have the fan on me. My hubby freezes and I am burning up.
I started a flare 2 weeks ago, now on steroids with the methotrexate to get me through it. Whe the flare was starting i was waking in the night absolutely soaked in sweat, it was weird as i am not normally a sweaty person.